Digital Footprint

How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities? Give at least 2 examples.

In the future, when I apply for a job, if I have irresponsible pictures of myself that are accessible to my employer, I will be less likely to be considered for the position.  Also, if I were to apply for college, any illegal activity could result in me getting denied. It is all about first impressions, if the employer/administrator sees positive content, normally you will have a higher chance than someone who has negative content to get the job.



Describe at least 3 strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.

  1. Do not post things that are private. (Phone number, address, age, etc.)
  2. Only friend people who you know in real life to limit the contact between you and online predators.
  3. Think before you post, and ask yourself if it could negatively affect you or others.


What red flags or warnings would indicate that someone you are talking to online may in fact be unsafe?

Some red flags and warnings to watch out for while online are:

  • They ask you private details about your life (where you live, name, age, etc.)
  • They ask for a picture of you, but don’t send one in return.
  • They refuse to call or video chat.



Picture 1:

Picture 2:

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