HCE 9 – English Write

1. What do I see when I look at this image?

When I look at the image, I see three women holding up three men, while being beneath a podium, unseen to everyone else. I see the women’s expressions that show that they are struggling, and not wish to be in that position. There are three men in suits, looking very happy with themselves, either unaware or unbothered by the women struggling beneath them.

2. How does it make me feel? (first impressions, lingering feelings after)

My first impression of this image is one of sadness and anger, sad that women have gone through this for so long and anger that nothing is being done about it. It aggravates me that women have been treated such ways for so long and that some men that have beliefs that women should be in that position.

My lingering feelings for this is an amplified version of my first one. I think to myself who has the audacity to believe one gender is better, when that is subjective, and cannot be categorized for an entire group of people. It angers me that men have this mindset towards women, when they would not even be alive if it were not for their mother who went through so much to give birth to them.

3. What does the image/picture seem to be trying to say? (What do you think the owner/author is trying to say to you?)

To me, the image seems to be trying to make people aware and represent what is happening to so many women today. To show the struggle lots of women go through, and to put it in an image for all to see and reflect on. This image also is displaying how men often get credit for achievements that women may not have the same reaction for if done the exact same thing, rewarding men while women remain in the shadows.

4. How does the image connect to the themes of: Respect, Collaboration, or Inclusivity?

This image connects to the themes of respect due to the lack of it. With this lack of respect, the men in the image do not care whatsoever about the women’s wellbeing and seem to be content to receive credit for their success when they are being held up by the women under the pedestal. The men have no regards for their feelings of the situation, and do not seem to care about how their own actions negatively affect the women who are struggling to hold them up.

“Gender Podium” by Marilena Nardi

Novel Study Tableaus- “The Marrow Thieves”

Novel Study Tableaus- The Marrow Thieves

Character Key:
Lizzy wearing cap and Nirvana hoodie is a recruiter.
Cecelia wearing the cap is a recruiter.
Lizzy wearing no hoodie without the hat and is wearing
a pouch is Miig.
Cecelia not wearing the hat is Minerva.
Kaitlyn is Frenchie.
Cheyenne wearing grandpa sweater is Mitch.
Cheyenne without any type of sweater on is Riri.
Cheyenne with Nirvana hoodie on is Chi-boy
Tableau Paragraphs
  1. Exposition 

In this first photo, Frenchie and Mitch are eating Doritos in a treehouse, totally oblivious to the Recruiters nearby. Shortly after this, once they open the bag of Doritos the noise it produces attracts the attention of the Recruiters. This falls into the ‘Exposition’ stage in the novel, because we learn a bit about Frenchie, and how he has a brother named Mitch. This scene also flows smoothly into the events that lead into the Initiating Incident, where Mitch is captured by the Recruiters and how that causes Frenchie to run into the woods to be found by the group. 

 2. Initiating Incident 

In this second photo, Frenchie is on the verge of death, and is found by the group. They approach him, and nurse him back to health, giving him food and water and fixing various injuries. This fits into the category ‘Initiating Incident’ because Frenchie suffered a life-threatening event, and joining the group initiated the rest of the story. To add onto that point, if the group had not found him, he would have most likely died, and would never have the relationships he has built within his new family. 

3. Rising Action One 

In this third photo, the group find an abandoned resort that they wish to enter. After Frenchie tests the fence for electricity, they enter the resort and spend the night. This is a part of the ‘Rising Action One’ section of the book, because quite a few things happen whilst inside: Wab shares her coming-to story, Frenchie and Rose develop their relationship further, and overall, it gives the group somewhat of a group while bringing them closer together. 

4. Rising Action Two 

In this fourth photo, the youngest of their group is unfortunately killed. RiRi was taken by Lincoln, an indigenous man who turned other Indigenous into the Recruiters, and who jumped off a cliff with RiRi once he realized he was cornered. This classifies as ‘Rising Action Two’, since the incident happens around the middle of the story, it is one major event but not the last one that occurs throughout the novel. This event deeply impacted the characters, affecting them throughout the entire novel. 

5. Rising Action Three 

In this fifth photo, Minerva allows herself to be taken by the Recruiters in order to keep the rest of the group safe. She also hid the ladder that the group used to get into the loft they slept the night in, to ensure the Recruiters would not see them in the dark. This is considered ‘Rising Action Three’, because it is the final event leading up to the climax of the story; Minerva’s death. This event directly leads to her death, and is quite a big moment for the characters, having their Elder ripped away from them so soon after the death of their youngest. 

6. Climax 

In this sixth photo, the rescue mission to retrieve Minerva has failed. She ended up being shot and passed away whilst in the company of her family. This is the ‘Climax’, due to the amount of planning the Haven and the group did to retrieve Minerva, because she was family and because of the fact she was the key to bringing down the schools. Once the mission was over, the entirety of the Haven moved locations, to where the Recruiters would have a harder chance finding them.  

7. Falling Action 

In this seventh photo, the group and the Haven are moving locations after the death of Minerva. Everyone is grieving, the fresh loss heavy on their shoulders as they walk to the next camp. This is considered ‘Falling Action’, because it is the aftermath of the climax, where the characters reflect on events that have just happened. The threat of the Recruiters is still present, but distant in the heads of the characters as they process the events that has plagued their lives in the last months. 

8. Resolution

In the eighth and final photo, the characters Miig and Isaac reunite after Isaac was believed to be dead for years. They were partners and it was very emotional for the both of them to find each other after so long. This is the ‘Resolution’, because it is the very last event that occurs in the novel. The novel ends shortly after they reunite, ending in a cliffhanger, along with a bittersweet end for the novel. 

Indigenous Exploration – Kuper Island Indian Residential School

Partners: Cheyenne Van Brabant and Elizabeth (Lizzy) Hamiliton

Self Reflection:

My Experience Creating this Project:

Throughout the project, there were many things that we struggled with, such as not having enough time to complete our research, to having group members missing for recording and much more. Due to the snow that came in on Monday, some of us were unable to get to school on Tuesday, so we missed the introduction and the kickstart of the research. This caused us to be behind on the research, and we had difficulty catching up, due to the homework of our other classes. We ended up recording the following Monday, despite one of our partners being sick with a fever. We were able to record through a Discord call, although the quality of their audio was not the best, compared to the rest of the group.

My Group’s Path in Researching the Topic:

When we started officially our research on Wednesday, our organization crumbled quickly. Instead of splitting our questions between all of us, we just added onto all of the questions, and one another’s previous research. This caused us to take longer than we wished, but also not be limited to our own questions, so we were able to help each other with all of them. When the research was just about done, I broke off from the research to start the script, to somewhat catch up to the rest of the class. This somewhat backfired, since they had a hard time completing the research, causing me to run out of material to add to our script, which landed with me completing the final bits of research required.

Obstacles or Learnings in our Recording:

Some obstacles my group went through- just as stated in the previous questions- were not having enough time to do research, having partners that were away, and just generally having time to work on it. We were almost all away during the introduction, and while we caught up with the information we missed, the time we lost was valuable, as we were only given a few days to complete the research. On Monday, one of my partners called in sick, and said they would be unable to arrive at school the next day as well. Our solution to this was recording whilst they were on a Discord call, and we were able to record, even if the quality was lowered due to the inconvenience.

Core Competency- Communications:

Some ways I communicated my learning is by coordinating with my partners to create the script of which we used to record our podcast. I communicated with my partners to share my learning on the subject we were researching. I was able to speak clearly while verbally expressing my knowledge on the subject at hand, and communicated my learning effectively despite the challenges that were thrown at us.

Minecraft Climate Solution Fluency- Smog


Climate change is a serious issue that must be addressed. As the years go by, the world heats up due to more fossil fuels absorbing heat rays from the sun. An issue within climate change is air pollution, and by extension, smog. Smog is created when industrial emissions from power plants, cars, factories, etc. react with heat and sunlight in the atmosphere. Smog is a hazy brown smoke in the skyline of cities, especially in the warmer months. Another word for smog is ‘Ground-level Ozone.’ Smog can be very dangerous; it increases the risk for heart and lung disease and can cause distress in the eyes and throat. 



Smog is created when industrial emissions from power plants, cars, factories, etc. react with heat and sunlight in the atmosphere. Smog is a hazy brown smoke in the skyline of cities, especially in the warmer months. Another word for smog is ‘Ground-level Ozone.’ 

Smog can irritate our airways and increase the risk of heart and lung disease. Places that may have a ‘high ozone day’ might experience burning of the throat and eyes and will cough/wheeze. (Many cities monitor their smog levels due to this information.) 

Photochemical Smog is when sunlight reacts with nitrogen oxide, and at least one volatile organic compound (VOC) in the atmosphere. Nitrogen Oxide comes from car exhaust, factory emissions, and coal power plants. VOC comes from gasoline, paint and a lot of cleaning solvents. When sunlight reacts with these two chemicals, they create airborne particles and create smog. 

Ozone (or smog) can be beneficial for humans if it is not close to the ground. Ozone layers high in the atmosphere protect us from the sun’s ultraviolet radiation (“Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is a form of non-ionizing radiation that is emitted by the sun and artificial sources, such as tanning beds.”) When ozone is closer to the ground it can cause damage to our lung tissue and cause your eyes to burn or itch. People with respiratory illnesses (Asthma) are more at risk for harmful effects from smog. 

Smog is harmful to humans, animals and even plants. Smog is more common in cities that have a lot of industries and traffic. There are some restrictions in the US to prevent Ozone levels from climbing too high such as: 

  • Restricts what chemicals can be released into the air and when 
  • Communities might have ‘burn days’, which is a time when you can burn your leaves, or other wastes one might have. 

Things everyone can do to prevent their input of Ozone in the air:  

  • Use other sorts of transportation other than your car (public transportation, bike, walk, etc.) or carpool with others. 
  • Taking care of your car, checkups, oil changes, good tires 
  • Getting your fuel in the morning/night to reduce how much Ozone goes into the air (hotter it is out=more Ozone’s) 
  • Avoid high VOC product (paint), and gas-powered equipment (such as lawnmowers) 

In 1948, a small town called Donora was enveloped in a smoggy haze. About half of the town (14k people) had severe respiratory and cardiovascular issues, and the town had a death toll of around 40. This began happening around the world and in 1970, Congress passed the Clean Air Act Amendments, which led to the nation’s air quality standards. 

EPA’s Air, Climate, and Energy Research focus on finding the most harmful chemicals and where they originate from (from cars, trucks, etc.) to identify what needs to be worked on the most. For the most common pollutants, they are looked into/updated every 5 years by the EPA. 



This project had its ups and downs, a major challenge my group faced was honestly just solidifying our idea. We jumped from one idea to the next, until we finally came upon one that would work, but we lost a substantial amount of time. Another challenge was having the time to work on it, throughout the project all three of us became sick and unable to work on the assignment, which caused a lot of stress. Something I think we exceled on was the “discover” aspect of this project, I believe we have an adequate amount of information, as well with some reliable sources. If I were to do this project again I would try to go into more depth in the solution for our problem, and create a more detailed Minecraft build.


EDF. (n.d.). Why smog standards are important for our health. Environmental Defense Fund. Retrieved December 15, 2022, from https://www.edf.org/health/why-smog-standards-are-important-our-health#:~:text=Why%20is%20it%20harmful%3F,you%20may%20cough%20and%20wheeze. 

National Geographic Headquarters. (n.d.). Smog. National Geographic Society. Retrieved December 15, 2022, from https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/smog 

EPA. (n.d.). History of Air Pollution. EPA. Retrieved December 15, 2022, from https://www.epa.gov/air-research/history-air-pollution 

Hazardous Waste Management Corporation. (n.d.). Learn more about our hazardous waste management services! HZMTCORP. Retrieved December 15, 2022, from https://www.hzmtcorp.com/hazardous-waste-management-services?gclid=Cj0KCQiAqOucBhDrARIsAPCQL1bj9Oj40DVgHqOAnitQlr29exrxVladWmhB3HFZnzJN2VA843h89xQaAobUEALw_wcB 


TOKTW day 2022

Career selection: Carpenter 

Brief Job Description: Carpenters work with wood and light metals. They (re) build, repair, and renovate furniture and structures. They must be skilled in taking measurements to get an accurate design and be able to see that design as the finished product in their head. 

Free Brown Wood Shred Stock Photo

Education/Training Requirements: 

High School Diploma is the minimum, for entry-levels there are 4–10-month training programs. To get certified, you would take a 4-year apprenticeship program, but it is not mandatory to have one in BC (recommended though). 

Once certified, you can take the Interprovincial Exam, and then the Interprovincial Standard Red’s Seal. With this seal, you can work anywhere in Canada. 

Where can you get this education/training give at least two places 

  1. BCIT Carpentry 
  1. Kwantlen Polytechnic University 

What are the entrance requirements to one of the educational institutions that you identified? 

Kwantlen Polytechnic University:

There are four different applicant categories to qualify under: 

High School: Diploma from a BC High School or similar schooling system 

Transfer: Applicant with at least 24 undergraduate credits with a grade point average of 2.0 or higher. 

Mature: 19 years or older with no High School Diploma but must show a transcript of completed High School courses. 

Aboriginal: An Aboriginal applicant who wants to be admitted into the Aboriginal Admissions Committee. 

What is an option if you cannot meet the entrance requirements or are not interested in attending university? 

In order to become a carpenter, you don’t necessarily need further training past High School. With additional education it might be easier to get employed but it is not required. There are training programs you can take that last to 4-10 months, and after that you could get certified by doing a 4-year long apprenticeship. 

Identify the average salary or wage for the career or job (indicate if the information is not available). 

$/h (BC) Low-19$ Medium- 28$ High-36$ Salary: Medium: 54 080$ High: 79 290$ Average Salary in BC: 77 168$ per year 

What are the opportunities or future prospects for the career or job (indicate if the information is not available)? 

22, 350 people have this job in BC, 86% of them work in construction. 

90% work full-time, while 77% work full-time across all jobs 

10% work part-time, while 23% work part-time across all jobs 

48% of carpenters work full time, while 52% work part of the year, with 57%/43% among other jobs 

29% of all carpenters are self-employed while only 14% of other jobs are. 

Identify three other related careers or jobs in the same area. 

  1. Cabinet Makers 
  1. Home Building and Renovation Managers 
  1. Wood Working Machine Operators 

Does this career appeal to you? Explain why or why not. 

I like the idea of working with my hands and being able to physically see what I am doing/creating. I find it very difficult to sit in a chair all day and work, so this job would work well for me since it is more of a hands-on task. I also like the idea of not being forced to go to additional school, it takes a bit of the pressure off knowing if I did decide to become a carpenter, I wouldn’t absolutely have to go university or college and my Highschool Diploma is all I need if it comes to that (I would do additional courses to up my chances of a job, but its nice to know I have a safety net). 

Free Floor Plan on Table Stock Photo

Explain what you have learned as a result of the career or job search process. 

 Something I have learned throughout this process is how to process information quickly and efficiently. I have learned that there is more than meets the eye to all sorts of jobs, for example before this project I never knew there was the interprovincial Standard Red’s Seal. There is so much information that we can learn, and yet we don’t take advantage of it as often as we should.  

Where I got this information:  

Government of Canada, Gouvernement du Canada. “Charpentier/Charpentière En Colombie-Britannique: Perspectives D’emploi.” Guichet, Gouvernement Du Canada / Government of Canada, 16 Aug. 2022, https://www.guichetemplois.gc.ca/rapportmarche/perspectives-profession/6388/BC. 

Careers in Construction. “Carpenter.” Carpenter | Careers in Construction, Careers in Construction, 15 Nov. 2022, https://www.careersinconstruction.ca/en/career/carpenter#:~:text=To%20be%20certified%20as%20a,are%20awarded%20a%20journeyperson%20certificate. 

Canada, Employment and Social Development. “Designating a New Red Seal Trade.” / Red Seal, 7 Nov. 2016, https://www.red-seal.ca/eng/trades/d.2s.3gn.1t.2.shtml. 

Government of Canada, Gouvernement du Canada. “Carpenter near Vancouver (BC): Labour Market Facts and Figures.” Carpenter near Vancouver (BC) | Labour Market Facts and Figures – Job Bank, Government of Canada / Gouvernement Du Canada, 16 Aug. 2022, https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/marketreport/summary-occupation/6388/39070. 

Bcit. “Carpentry.” BCIT, BCIT, https://www.bcit.ca/programs/carpentry/. 

Kwantlen Polytechnic University. “Admission Requirements.” Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, 4 July 2022, https://www.kpu.ca/admission/requirements. 

Pexel Images used in this post:

Onojeghuo, Clem. “Brown Wood Shred · Free Stock Photo – PEXELS.” Brown Wood Shred, Clem Onojeghuo, 19 Sept. 2016, https://www.pexels.com/photo/brown-wood-shred-175709/.

JESHOOTS.com. “Floor Plan on Table · Free Stock Photo – PEXELS.” Floor Plan on Table, JESHOOTS.com, 1 Feb. 2018, https://www.pexels.com/photo/floor-plan-on-table-834892/.




Elemental Infofluency- Radium

Part 2: 

Ask: The Questions I Needed to Ask Were: 

  • What are the effects of exposure overtime? 
  • How much does it sell for? 
  • How rare is it? 
  • How does it affect humans without our knowledge? (Amount in air, water, etc.) 
  • Is there a living thing that has built some sort of immunity to radiation? 
  • What is it? 
  • Who discovered it? 
  • What are some common uses? 

Acquire: Here are the Tools I used to gather my information: 

  • Google 
  • Pexels.com 
  • Gale Engage Learning 
  • EasyBib 

Analyze: Here is how I got my information and cited my sources: 

To keep track of all the information I acquired, I used a separate word document to keep it all organized before I made my sway. I used a variety of reliable sources to get as much useful information on my element, while keeping it in my own words. I cited all my sources with EasyBib, and found non-copyright images to cite as well. 

Assess: This is how the product and process went. 

I am satisfied with how much information I was able to share about most of my questions, I do wish I added a bit more information to a few, but the question was able to be answered in a sentence or two. On the topic of the Information Fluency Process, I did everything that I could have, I asked good questions, acquired good information, and filtered out the good sources from the bad. Looking back, I do wish I used even more sources (instead of mostly google) to expand my digital toolbox of sources to use later in my high school career.