Literature Photo Project

In the short story, “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty,” by James Thurber there are many shifts from realism into expressionism. Certain things in Walter’s ordinary life cause him to imagine himself elsewhere, with a completely different life. The readers observe him as a hydroplane pilot, a surgeon, a criminal and more. The story also contains dramatic irony, for instance we are aware of Walter’s shifts into expressionism, however his wife is not. The point of view, third-person limited omniscient, helps add to this irony. This project helps to show an understanding of the character and the story’s plot by using personally created photos and direct quotes from the story. Each of the quotes and pictures will be connected to literary terms that were learned in class.


  1. Exposition

“The crew… in the huge, hurtling eight-engined Navy hydroplane, looked at each other and grinned… ‘Not so fast! You’re driving too fast!’ said Mrs. Mitty.” (1).

This quote introduces the reader to Walter Mitty’s imaginary life but then also shifts to his wife telling him that he is driving too fast. At this point, the reader may realize that the hydroplane scene is part of a daydream, giving the reader an idea of how the story may continue, and introducing the reader to the main character.


2. Rising Action Example #1

“‘Hello Mitty’ [Dr. Renshaw] said. ‘We’re having the devil’s own time with McMillan…. Obstreosis of the ductal tract. Tertiary. Wish you’d take a look at him.’” (2).

This quote is part of Walter’s second shift into expressionism and it portrays him as a well profound surgeon. He also uses jargon, which further proves that this is another one of Walter’s daydreams.

3. Rising Action Example #2

“‘You are a crack shot with any sort of firearms, I believe?’ said the District Attorney… ‘Objection!’ shouted Mitty’s attorney.” (3).

It’s evident in this quote that Walter is in a trial for committing a crime. At this point, it’s clear that these daydreams are a regular occurrence and they are an escape from Walter’s boring life.

4. Rising Action Example #3

“‘It takes two men to handle that bomber and the Archies are pounding hell out of the air. Von Richtman’s circus is between here and Saulier.’ ‘Somebody’s got to get that ammunition dump,’ said Mitty.” (4).

Based off of the references in this quote, one can conclude that Walter is now a fighter pilot, fighting a war against the Germans. This is Walter’s fourth daydream and it is noticeable now, that all the scenarios of his imaginary life are more exciting than his real life.

5. Climax

“‘I was thinking,’ said Walter Mitty. ‘Does it ever occur to you that I am sometimes thinking?’” (5).

Throughout the story, Walter’s wife has been noting that Walter is acting strange and that he might be sick. She also tells Walter what to do while she gets her hair done and it seems she is very controlling. This quote would represent the climax because it is when Walter finally speaks up and reminds his wife that he can indeed think for himself.

6. Falling Action

“‘Wait here for me. I forgot something. I won’t be a minute.’ … Walter Mitty lighted a cigarette…. He stood up against the wall of the drugstore, smoking” (5).

Walter Mitty and his wife’s trip into town is almost over and they are heading back to the car. Ms. Mitty asks Walter to wait for her as she quickly grabs something from the drugstore. The reader’s can sense that the story is beginning to wrap up because Mr. and Ms. Mitty are almost finished their errands, therefore this quote can represent the falling action.

7. Denouement

“Then, with that faint, fleeting smile about his lips, he faced the firing squad; erect and motionless, proud and disdainful, Walter Mitty the Undefeated, inscrutable to the last.” (5).

A denouement is usually when all loose ends are died up and the conflict is resolved. Although the story ends in a cliffhanger, this quote can still represent the denouement because Walter’s character changes and he becomes proud and almost accepting of his fate. Of course, this is in his day dream, but it most likely reflects on how he is feeling in reality.

8. Physical Setting

“She had told him, twice, before they set out from their house for Waterbury (3).

This quote refers to how Walter’s wife told him what he needed to get before they left for Waterbury. He is now trying to remember what it was, so it is concluded that the story takes place in Waterbury, Connecticut.

9. Emotional Setting

“In a way, he hated these weekly trips to town—he was always getting something wrong.” (3)

These trips into town for Walter Mitty are routine and he mentions that he hates them in a way. This shows how dull his life is and it creates a gloomy emotional setting. This setting helps to explain why Walter Mitty often removes himself from reality.

10. Conflict Type

“‘He said puppy biscuit,’ she said to her companion. ‘That man said puppy biscuit to himself.’ Walter Mitty hurried on.” (4).

Walter Mitty shifts into expressionism as a way of making his life less boring, but these “daydreams” are affecting his real life. The conflict type could be person vs. society because people around him are being affected, but it could also be person vs. self because he is trying to distract himself from his uneventful life.

11. Ending Type

“Then… he faced the firing squad; … Walter Mitty the Undefeated, inscrutable to the last.” (5).

The last scene in the short story is Walter Mitty about to be executed by a firing squad. Nothing is resolved, and we are not sure what happens to Walter. Therefore, the ending type would be a cliffhanger or unresolved.

12. Irony

“What are you driving so fast for?” (1)

In this quote, Ms. Mitty is asking Walter why he is driving so fast and he shifts back into realism. Readers understand that he is driving fast because he was imagining that he was flying a hydroplane through a storm. Ms. Mitty however, is unaware of this.

13. Suspense

“Then, with that faint, fleeting smile about his lips, he faced the firing squad; erect and motionless, proud and disdainful, Walter Mitty the Undefeated, inscrutable to the last.” (5).

Suspense makes the reader unsure or excited about what may happen next. In this example, the readers are left knowing that Walter is facing a firing squad, but the story ends there, leaving everyone with questions. How will Walter snap back into realism? What will his wife do when she finds him “daydreaming” again?






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