Science Research Energy Production


China has the most used electricity in the world, using 26% out of the 100. As Canada in 6th place only using 3%.



Hydro makes up 60.2% of Canada’s electricity generation.
Provincial electricity supply from hydroelectricity:

  • Manitoba: 96.8%
  • Quebec: 95.0%
  • Newfoundland and Labrador: 93.7%
  • Yukon: 92.2%
  • British Columbia: 90.5%
  • Northwest Territories: 38.5%
  • Ontario: 25.9%
  • New Brunswick: 19.6%
  • Saskatchewan: 13.7%
  • Nova Scotia: 8.8%
  • Alberta: 2.5%



Nuclear makes up 14.6% of Canada’s electricity generation.
Share of provincial electricity supply from nuclear power:

  • Ontario: 58.6%
  • New Brunswick: 36.1


Coal makes up 8.6% of Canada’s electricity generation.
Share of provincial electricity supply from coal:

  • Nova Scotia: 47.9%
  • Saskatchewan: 46.6%
  • Alberta: 44.9%
  • New Brunswick: 15.8%
  • Manitoba: 0.1%
 Natural Gas


Natural gas makes up 8.6% of Canada’s electricity generation.
Share of provincial electricity supply from natural gas:

  • Alberta: 42.2%
  • Saskatchewan: 35.7%
  • Nova Scotia: 14.3%
  • New Brunswick: 9.9%
  • Ontario: 5.2%
  • Northwest Territories: 4.0%
  • Yukon: 2.0%
  • British Columbia: 1.1%
  • Newfoundland and Labrador: 0.7%
  • Quebec: 0.1%


Since the means of producing electricity as well as the infrastructure to get it to its users varies across provinces, so do the prices of electricity for Canadian residents and industries.

Average residential and large industrial electricity prices, including taxes, for one city per province in cents per kilowatt-hour for April 2018.

City Industrial Price (cents/kWh) Residential Price (cents/kWh)
Vancouver 7.03 12.19
Edmonton 7.18 15.07
Regina 9.19 18.98
Winnipeg 4.99 10.41
Toronto 12.03 15.11
Montréal 5.64 8.20
Charlottetown 10.94 19.35
Halifax 11.80 17.24
St. John’s 6.09 13.83
Moncton 8.62 14.92


  1. I wanted to see who used the most electricity in the world.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              I wanted to see how it was generated in Canada in a pie chart sort of thing so I could see how it is divided up.                                                                                                                                                    I wanted to see how much it costs not just in BC but in Canada

2.I Reasearched them and i found a very useful site

3. I asked my dad if its a good site and he said that it is good and he has used it before.