Science Research Energy Production


China has the most used electricity in the world, using 26% out of the 100. As Canada in 6th place only using 3%.



Hydro makes up 60.2% of Canada’s electricity generation.
Provincial electricity supply from hydroelectricity:

  • Manitoba: 96.8%
  • Quebec: 95.0%
  • Newfoundland and Labrador: 93.7%
  • Yukon: 92.2%
  • British Columbia: 90.5%
  • Northwest Territories: 38.5%
  • Ontario: 25.9%
  • New Brunswick: 19.6%
  • Saskatchewan: 13.7%
  • Nova Scotia: 8.8%
  • Alberta: 2.5%



Nuclear makes up 14.6% of Canada’s electricity generation.
Share of provincial electricity supply from nuclear power:

  • Ontario: 58.6%
  • New Brunswick: 36.1


Coal makes up 8.6% of Canada’s electricity generation.
Share of provincial electricity supply from coal:

  • Nova Scotia: 47.9%
  • Saskatchewan: 46.6%
  • Alberta: 44.9%
  • New Brunswick: 15.8%
  • Manitoba: 0.1%
 Natural Gas


Natural gas makes up 8.6% of Canada’s electricity generation.
Share of provincial electricity supply from natural gas:

  • Alberta: 42.2%
  • Saskatchewan: 35.7%
  • Nova Scotia: 14.3%
  • New Brunswick: 9.9%
  • Ontario: 5.2%
  • Northwest Territories: 4.0%
  • Yukon: 2.0%
  • British Columbia: 1.1%
  • Newfoundland and Labrador: 0.7%
  • Quebec: 0.1%


Since the means of producing electricity as well as the infrastructure to get it to its users varies across provinces, so do the prices of electricity for Canadian residents and industries.

Average residential and large industrial electricity prices, including taxes, for one city per province in cents per kilowatt-hour for April 2018.

City Industrial Price (cents/kWh) Residential Price (cents/kWh)
Vancouver 7.03 12.19
Edmonton 7.18 15.07
Regina 9.19 18.98
Winnipeg 4.99 10.41
Toronto 12.03 15.11
Montréal 5.64 8.20
Charlottetown 10.94 19.35
Halifax 11.80 17.24
St. John’s 6.09 13.83
Moncton 8.62 14.92


  1. I wanted to see who used the most electricity in the world.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              I wanted to see how it was generated in Canada in a pie chart sort of thing so I could see how it is divided up.                                                                                                                                                    I wanted to see how much it costs not just in BC but in Canada

2.I Reasearched them and i found a very useful site

3. I asked my dad if its a good site and he said that it is good and he has used it before.




A Fresh Look At The Periodic Table

Define and discover

How can I remake the periodic table?

Can I make the periodic table easier to read?


We can make it easy for people to read for younger people.

Different metals can be placed in groups and different places.


Design and Deliver

Make a building Design

We arranged it by the date they were made/ discovered

We colored it so all the metals are green, all the purples are metalloids, and blues are the non metals, and different colors for the halogens, noble gasses, alkaline earth metals, and alkaline metals




Made it more organized.

Put the groups of the elements closer together so its easier to find.

Image preview

Community Connections Alternate



For my volunteering i chose that i want to work at the SPCA because I really like taking care of animals, all the animals i have ever met or taken care of all really liked me. So I feel like this would be a great volunteering thing for me. I also got my first dog ever from the SPCA named Joey and he was the best dog ever and he cared about me so much RIP. In the summer I want to Volunteer there because it will look good when i apply for jobs and maybe even give me volunteer hours for school to get into good colleges and university’s.






Lego Stop Motion- Street Pharm

For this project i moved all of the characters around, made all of the Lego figures and displays.

I also did the editing for when we needed to speed it up or slow it down. In my opinion Ewen did good on the editing and to be honest Rhy’s didn’t do anything, hopefully next time we will be able to manage our time better because Ewen did not finish his role in time and I had to do Reese’s.

Other than that I had a lot of fun doing these kind of things and I would like to do it again in the future.

Digital Footprint

How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities? Give at least two examples.

  • It could give us more opportunists in the future to get a job and show them what we have accomplished.
  • We could show them are Edublog if we are trying to apply for a collage so we can show them what we have done with our 4 years at High school


Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.

  • Not put bad images
  • No bad Reviews or messages sent to people


What information did you learn that you would pass on to other students? How would you go about telling them?

  • I would say make an Edublog as soon as you can so you can show them everything you have done with your 4 years at high school and get a better job and a better advantage over people that do not have the proof or a document that they have done these things in their last 4 years of doing work, and participating in other activity’s.

Victoria era

For Continuity I chose these subjects because it is the same things we do in the present. We still use formal clothing suites, ties etc); Girls still use dresses. We still use trains for transportation which is the same as the people that lived in the 1850’s. They worked hard and had proper behavior, and stressed  morals.


For Changes I chose People had to entertain themselves no video games phones etc) another thing is that women could not become doctors and have the choice to vote. news papers were fake and non true. if u weren’t wealthy then you didn’t have rights

Governing Quebec

As a British official, I realize there are many alternatives to governing Quebec.  I have chosen the policy of deportation to ensure the colony is properly run.”. we will follow in our country’s footsteps and do what we did with the Acadians when we won their war by forcing the Canadians out will show them that we are to be feared and we will protect our land. This gives us more land money and resources and it will make our colony run. ,I believe the best policy for governing Quebec is Deportation. This will ensure that the colony will remain under British control and provide wealth for our glorious country.