Digital Footprint

How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities? Give at least two examples.

In future job opportunities, your interviewer may look at your past social media pages and look at your posts or tweets. If you post inappropriate or risky things on your accounts that could definitely have an impact on your interview and how the company will treat your application. A second way for how it would affect your future opportunities, is if you are looking to adopt or foster. The organizations will look into your name and if they find stuff from your past they could use it to prove that you are not suitable for adoption or fostering.



Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.

Three ways to keep your digital footprint safe would be too make sure you don’t have anything on any of your accounts that could cause a problem in the future or even in the present. Another way is to use your socials for spreading positivity and awareness to your followers to help the world around you and stay far far away from any problems you may encounter in the future with your digital footprint. Finally, I would say to make sure that you know most of your followers/friends, the last thing you want is some random people following you and being able to know everything about you.



What information did you learn that you would pass on to other students? How would you go about telling them?

Some information that I would pass on to other students/friends is that everything you do in your younger years online and offline can affect you in the future, so just make sure you make the right decisions and don’t post anything bad on your accounts.