Mitosis/Meiosis Stop Motion Project

1. Why did you decide to model Mitosis or Meiosis- one over the other? Be specific!!!

I decided to model Meiosis because I was working with a partner and we thought it would be better if we did the harder model.

2. What was the most challenging thing in making your movie?

Personally, I think that the hardest part of this project was communicating correctly, my partner and I disagreed on many things and a lot of time was wasted on that.  In general, I think my partner and I could both agree that using our time wisely was one of the most challenging things we had to do during this project. Even though we worked hard every class and went in on half days, our time was not used wisely and we shouldn’t have spent so much time on little things.

3. What was the easiest thing to do in making your movie?

Honestly, I wished that we made this project easier on ourselves. There wasn’t much that I would consider easy in our project. I guess I could say that the voice overs were pretty simple to do.

4. How could you improve your movie?

There are many ways that we could improve our movie, but for me one thing that stands out is not using candy to make the models. I thought it would’ve been different and fun if we did and that wasted 99% of our time. Another thing I could say is to not move around so much, we had a change of scenery a couple times during our movie since we had used all time in class.

5. Thinking about how you worked with your partner, what were some of the challenges and successes of working in a group?

This project had multiple difficulties for myself, and my partner. Like I said before, communication was a big thing. It was hard since I am not allowed to see people outside of school, so most of the planning was crammed into class time, or over text which is hard to communicate through. There were a few moments where we had disputes, but for the sake of the project, we ignored those and continued working. A success for our group would be the perseverance I would think. With the challenges we were faced with, I think our project is overall pretty well done considering I had to improvise at home.

6.  Why is Mitosis important? In other words, what is the point of cells performing Mitosis?

Mitosis is needed to duplicate cells quickly , which are needed for the growth and repair of the body.It is important that cells perform mitosis to survive and multiply.

7. Why is Meiosis important? In other words, what is the point of cells performing Meiosis?

Meiosis in important because it ensures that while going through sexual reproduction, the organisms have the correct amount of chromosomes. It also creates genetically diverse offspring instead of the offspring being identical to the parent.


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