I can statement write – English 11 Honours

As an English student, I would describe myself as very passionate and motivated. My best work is created when I feel inspired by the topic. I pride myself on my work ethic and ability to produce quality work in a timely manner. I would also describe myself as creative, as I can come up with a lot of ideas and build upon other people’s ideas. As a very dedicated student, I always do my best on assignments and try to create work that I am proud of. Another one of my strengths is being able to recognize where my opinions and beliefs come from, and how experiences in my life have shaped me as a person. While I can recognize where my opinions and ideas come from, I would like to improve on looking at others’ beliefs and analyzing where they come from. Being able to look at a piece of text, either my work or someone else’s and analyze it is something that I feel I can improve on, and I hope to further develop these skills in this class.

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