The Disappearances: appreciating the little things in life before they disappear.

The Disappearances, written by Emily Bain Murphy

A Summary of the Novel

“Maybe someday I will wake my daughter after a thunderstorm. Maybe… I will tell her a story I won’t have told anyone else – about a world that once withered a little more every seven years.” – Emily Bain Murphy, The Disappearances

In Juliet Quinn’s quaint hometown – Sterling – something is awry. Though it may appear quaint and genuine, a sinister secret veils the town; every seven years, something is lost. The ability to see the stars, the ability to see one’s own reflection, and, most recently, the ability to hear music and its swells have been stolen from the residents of Sterling. However, when the disappearances began, one girl’s abilities remained: Juliet’s, and she fled. Several years later, subsequent to the death of Juliet and the onset of World War II, Aila Quinn – Juliet’s daughter – returns to Sterling with no information of the town’s insidious deterioration and her mother’s role in it all. As Aila fumbles with the truth, her treacherous discoveries provoke chaos, conflict, and so much more.

Imagine a life in which you cannot gaze upon the starry sky. 

What's the story behind the stars? | Space

Why The Disappearances Must Be Read

This book is such a dainty and beautiful read, and so it is imperative that it is read by all. This book taught me the importance of cherishing the beauty in life. Throughout the book, through imagery and detail, readers become aware that something was always amiss with Juliet. When she raised her daughter, she stood in the rain and smelled the flowers in the spring much too long, even when everyone else had left. However, toward the end of the book, readers are giddish and full of life as we realize the reason why she savoured each scent, each glance in the mirror, and so much more.

Although The Disappearances is a story about the stoutness of a girl amid the adversities she endures as she uncovers the truth of her mother’s hometown, the themes of this intricate and perilous novel are change, adaptability, and resilience. The main characters have been deprived of a life filled with happiness and youthfulness because of everything they have lost; however, they find the strength within themselves to adapt and then rise to challenge the curse itself. The style is quite reflective of the main character’s – Aila’s – emotions. It begins eerie and dire as Aila and her brother Miles are shoved on the imminent train to Sterling, and although glimmers of love and light shine throughout the story as Aila finds a beautiful boy with a beautiful smile, the predominant mood is quite sinister.

Meadow After Rain, Painting by Janis Zingitis | Artmajeur

How This Novel Came to Define Me

“Maybe someday I will wake my daughter after a thunderstorm. Maybe we will watch the sunrise together from the garden, drinking in air heady with rain and soil, and I will tell her a story I won’t have told anyone else…. the reason I stay to smell the flowers long after everyone else has gone.” – Emily Bain Murphy, The Disappearances

The Disappearances reflects myself, because subsequent to reading this novel I began smelling the flowers a little too long and gazing at the stars until the sun began to rise again; I am so grateful for this change in my life. I appreciate the life I have lived and will continue to savour each moment of it all, because sometimes there are adversities in life, which we must overcome. And, sometimes, we lose small parts of our life that we did not appreciate enough, and I do not want to be someone who could not appreciate something beautiful until it was gone.


Desmos Art Functions Card 2022

This desmos project took several hours to complete, yet I am happy with the result. I did this project in grade 10, so I was familiar with the constant, linear, quadratic, cubic, square root, cube root, absolute value, exponential and rational functions. This year I learned how to graph and manipulate sin, cos, and tan graphs, as well as non-functions (relations) such as sideways parabolas and circles. When I needed to graph a new line, I would sketch the basic shape and then compared the shape to the arsenal of functions I knew, which is how I chose which equation to utilize. The main challenge I encountered was trying to shade with the relations (sideways parabolas and circles), because I am not familiar with this; however, I overcame this challenge when I rewrote the non-functions as functions (for example, when I wanted to shade a sideways parabola, I made two square root functions derived from the original equation, and then utilized them to shade the sideways parabola). Another challenge was when I realized I could not graph SpongeBob’s face with accuracy in the time I was given. So, I made a decision to modify the face so that it was easier to graph yet still held the integrity and youthfulness of SpongeBob. The aha moments of this project were when I learned how much easier it was to manipulate a basic function with function notation and transformations rather than making a new equation/function for each line, which I did in grade 10. I completed this project alone, with no help, but I did assist others. Some people were making new equations for each line rather than transforming one function over and over, and so I showed them how to transform their equations to be transformations of the same function. I told them to make a folder with all of their basic functions, and then refer to those functions when they wanted to make a new one. The main strategy I used was to make the outline of the image with functions and transformations before beginning to shade. This was beneficial, because when if I wanted to change the shape of something, I would not have to change all of the shading as well. This strategy was efficient, and I was able to complete the shading with ease. This assignment helped me understand more about transformations of functions and relations, because I spent so much time manipulating and transforming them. I was able to witness how changing the domain, range, vertical/horizontal stretch, vertical/horizontal translation could have such a drastic impact on the shape of the line. 

Link to my desmos project:

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My desmos project