Conte de Fée – Juliette et Stéphanie

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Voici un conte de fée que j’ai ecrit pour mon cours de Conversation 10!


Juliette et Stéphanie

Il était une fois une princesse qui s’appelait Juliette. Elle habitait dans un grand château avec beaucoup de chambres et beaucoup d’esclaves. Ses parents, le roi Alexandre et la reine Hélène, étaient très fiers de leur petite fille. Elle recevait de très bonnes notes à l’école des princesses, elle faisait la gymnastique pour princesses, et elle aimait vraiment lire. Juliette avait aussi une petite sœur qui s’appelait Stéphanie.

Stéphanie était très mignonne, mais en même temps très méchante. Elle ne partageait rien avec Juliette et faisait toujours des farces et des blagues qui n’étaient pas drôles du tout. Juliette essayait d’être gentille avec Stéphanie, mais c’était difficile quand Stéphanie n’était pas gentille de retour. Un jour, Juliette a décidé de ne plus parler à Stéphanie jusqu’au moment qu’elle aurait dit qu’elle était désolée d’avoir fait toutes ces choses méchantes à Juliette. Au début, Stéphanie était un peu triste parce qu’elle avait besoin d’aide avec ses devoirs et Juliette ne lui parlait pas. Mais puis elle s’est occupée avec des autres choses et a oublié que Juliette était fâchée avec elle.

Après quelques jours, Juliette a commencé d’être très ennuyée. Elle pensait que c’était à cause du fait qu’elle avait déjà lu tous les livres qu’elle avait en possession, mais puis elle a réalisé que c’était à cause du fait qu’elle ne parlait plus avec Stéphanie. Avant, si elle s’était ennuyée, elle jouait avec sa sœur. Mais maintenant qu’elle ne lui parlait pas, Juliette n’avait rien à faire. Elle voulait faire la paix avec Stéphanie, mais ça serait trop lâche. Stéphanie, par contre, semblait être très contente avec sa vie et ne montrait aucun signe qu’elle était triste à cause de la ‘guerre’ avec Juliette.

Finalement, Juliette a décidé qu’elle ne pouvait plus pas parler à Stéphanie. Elle est allée dans sa chambre et a dit :

-Stéphanie, je dois te parler. Je pensais que si je ne te parlais pas, tu deviendrais plus gentille, mais maintenant je vois que ce n’est pas comme ça. Je devrais t’enseigner, te montrer comment être une vraie princesse, pas t’ignorer!  Est-ce qu’on peut être amies encore?

Et Stéphanie a répondu :

-Bien sûr, Juliette! Moi aussi, j’étais très triste à cause du fait que tu ne me parlais pas, mais je ne voulais pas le montrer pour ne pas sembler faible. Veux-tu nous déguiser comme personnes normales? S’il te plaît?

Juliette était si contente qu’elle n’a pas répondu. Elle a juste souri et a serré Stéphanie dans ses bras. Elle a compris qu’elle devrait enseigner Stéphanie comment être princesse, et pas la laisser faire ce qu’elle voulait et ne pas parler à elle. A partir de ce jour-là, Juliette et Stéphanie étaient toujours gentilles l’une envers l’autre et Stéphanie a appris comment être une vraie princesse comme Juliette.


La Fin!

Poetry Final Assignment

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Here is my final Poetry assignment for English 9 along with  my analysis! There was sound, but for some reason it does not want to play now. Sorry about that. 🙁




Gather ye rose-buds while ye may,

Old Time is still a-flying;

And this same flower that smiles today

Tomorrow will be dying.

The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun,

The higher he’s a-getting,

The sooner will his race be run,

And nearer he’s to setting.

That age is best which is the first,

When youth and blood are warmer;

But being spent, the worse, and worst

Times still succeed the former.

Then be not coy, but use your time,

And while ye may, go marry;

For having lost but once your prime,

You may forever tarry.






Describing words: glorious, warmer, coy, tarry


Alliteration: the sooner will his race be run


Personification: time is still a-flying, flower that smiles today, (the flower) will be dying, times succeed


Vivid language: glorious lamp of heaven, youth and blood are warmer


The poet chooses these words to further develop the main ideas of the poem and to really paint a picture in the mind of the reader.


These words help to set the mood of the poem.




This poem is a thoughtful poem. Its tone is calm but at the same time serious.


Word choice:

Connotation: rose-buds, flower, smiles,                glorious lamp

Denotation: time, dying, age, times



This poem is a lyric poem because it is a short poem of intense feeling and emotion.


This poem has 4 stanzas, which are all at the same time quatrains with an abab rhyme scheme.


The lines are not very long, and the poet probably did that to enhance the message that you need to use your time wisely because life is short.


Commas are used to signal the ends of each line in this poem. A period is placed at the end of every verse.




The poet is trying to say that life is quite short, so we should enjoy it while we can and use our time wisely.


This poem can be read by anyone, but there are a couple of old words that not everyone may be able to understand.


The narrator is outside of the poem. He/she seems very wise, judging by the content of the poem.


The message that I pull from this poem is that I should spend my life wisely and positively, and not waste even one second of it.







I love the poem ‘To the Virgins, To Make Much of Time’ because of the meaning of life that it has in it. This poem has some old words, but at the same time is pretty straightforward. The word choice is very interesting, but supports the main idea of the poem and gives the reader a lot to think about.


The music that I chose to represent the poem is played on the fretted dulcimer, and its name is actually the same as that of the poem. I thought that this melody really helped carry through the main message of the poem and set the mood very nicely.


To me, the message of the poem is that you should enjoy the time that you have in life because you will not live forever. Time is limited, and if everyone did not think about that, no one would do any great things and die unhappy. The first two lines give the reader an idea of what the poem is going to be about straight away: “Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old time is still a-flying”. Grab the time before it slips away, and spend it wisely. Then, throughout the whole entire poem, this message is repeated again and again to make the reader really think about it. Some other famous quotes that are very similar to the message of this poem are “Carpe diem” (translated from Latin as “Seize the day!”) and “Time is of the essence”.


This poem looks like it was written a long time ago. There are words like “ye”, “a-flying”, “a-getting” and “tarry” that are not used nearly as often in the modern world. The author chose to have some lines in the poem to be very straightforward and easy to understand, but some lines to be ones that you have to really think about and read between the lines to understand them. The stanza I had to think about the most to understand it was the 3rd one. But after reading through it a few times, I finally understood what the author meant. “That age is best which is the first, When youth and blood are warmer” means that the best age to enjoy life is an early age, when you are still a child, and “But being spent, the worse, and worst Times still succeed the former” means that time is being spent worse and worse by children, but still, some people succeed in life and do great things, even if in their childhood they did not spend their life wisely.


My favourite line in the poem is “Then be not coy, but use your time” because that line pretty much sums up the whole message of the poem and it is a very strong message. What the line is saying is that you should not be shy and timid, because then your whole life will pass quickly and you will not have used your time very wisely. Another line I really like is “Gather ye rosebuds while ye may”- the first line. Of course, it doesn’t actually mean to pick roses, but to live your life while you can, to gather the joys of life while you can.



The tone of this poem is calm, but at the same time serious. I think that this type of tone is perfect for the content of the poem. If the tone was happier, then the reader would not take the message seriously. If the tone was sadder, no one would want to read the poem because it would be too depressing.


I really like this poem because it has a lot of meaning in it and has a very interesting word choice. It gives the reader, whatever age the reader is, something to think about.


TOKTW 2015

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TOKTW Reflection Sheet 2015 pdf


Photos of my workplace for the day:

The classroom I worked in:

Classroom 1Classroom 2Classroom 3


The desk I worked at:

Desk 1Desk 2


The photocopy room:

Photocopy room 1 clearerPhotocopy room 2


The view from the top of the stairs at Pitt River:



My name tag (last name covered):

Name tag 2


At the end of the day, my host, Mme Blackburn, gave me a French treat as a reward for all of my hard work:

Croissant 2Croissant 1