Jan. 13 – Getting Creative with Fitness Assignment

Getting Creative with Fitness Assignment

Below are a number of resources to get you thinking about how you can get creative with fitness in quarantine and will hopefully inspire you to continue to do so when life normalizes again.

Balcony Marathon

The corresponding article can be found HERE

Good Resource of Bodyweight Exercises


Using what you have at home with limited to no equipment:

Start at 6:14

Your task:

Without using any actual gym equipment, create a complete workout or exercise regime using simply what you have. (e.g. filled backpack or grocery bag, different furniture, towels, etc.).

Requirements for your workout:

  • Focus on training your entire body. The type of workout (HIIT, Tabata, bodybuilding, etc.) will dictate the order of your movements, sets, and rest periods.
  • Be 20-30 minutes (intensity will dictate the duration).  You have been given loads of different examples.
  • Have at least 5 different movements (if you’re movements are isolating exercises then you will need to do more)
  • Be creative! I want to see you put some real thought into this.

To be submitted in TEAMS

  • Written or video explanation of the type of workout you have created, why you chose and designed what you have, and explain each of the movements, sets, rest periods, etc
  • Time Lapse Video of you completing your workout.

Rubric is attached in TEAMs

Heart Rate Lab

Jan. 6

Riverside Heart Rate Lab

1. Target Heart Rate

  • Take a moment to learn about Target Heart Rate.  Watch the videos and read the Riverside Target Heart Rate document and learn about:
    • What is a Target Heart Rate?
    • How do I find my pulse??
    • How do I find my Target Heart Rate Range?
  • Complete for Homework


December 16 – Wellness Wednesday – Failure

Wednesday, December 16th – Failure

  •  What is Failure?
  • Japanese proverb “Get knocked down 6 times, get up 7”
  • Wooden, John “Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to become the best at which you are capable.”
  • Watch this Video – CLICK HERE
    • I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.
      Michael Jordan
    • What are some key points from this video? What are some things you learned? (Discussion)
  • Watch this Video – CLICK HERE
    • What are some key points from this video? What are some things you learned? (Discussion)
  • Watch this Video – CLICK HERE
    • What are some key points from this video? What are some things you learned? (Discussion)
  • To be handed in on TEAMS:
    • Provide a brief synopsis of your discussion of the videos
    • Answer the Following Questions
      • How do you define failure?
      • How has failure shaped your life?
      • How can failure be used as a positive tool for growth in your life?

December 10 – Game Design Updated

Game Design Assignment UPDATED

To Summarize

    • Your group will be designing a socially distanced game that we can actually play in our class
    • You must work together in your group to design a game
    • There are 4 parts to this semester ending assignment, please read through the entire assignment.
      • Part 1 – Invent and Make
      • Part 2 – Instruct & Play
      • Part 3 – Reflection | Core Competency
      • Part 4 – Submit Your Work
    • Each member of your group must submit a completed update outline with their game reflection and a core competency reflection
Due: Following your presentation

Wednesday, Oct 27th – Mental Health vs Mental Illness + Support

Wednesday, Oct 27th – Mental Health vs Mental Illness + Support

  1. Take a moment to watch this video and answer the questions below in your wellness plan.

Q) What is something you learned from it? Did anything change the way you think? Explain.

Take a moment to look at the Power Point and answer the questions below in your wellness plan.

Q) Which of these things are your currently doing? Make a goal this week to try a new one and explain.

Q) Make a plan for how you can do some good.


Wellness Wednesday #5

Wednesday, October 21

Below is just a quick overview of some of the terminology and training principles to help you with planning your workouts.

Fitness & Exercise 101

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Failure & Growth Mindset continued

  1. Famous Failures – Watch This
  2. What Does Resiliency and Growth Look Like – Watch This
  3. Take a moment to look at what a growth mind set is. Like anything, our lives are one continuum of balance between growth and fixed mind set. Explain one area of your life where you feel you have a growth mindset. Explain why you have a growth mind set in this area. Explain one area where you have a fixed mindset. Explain why you have a fixed mind set in this are. Explain how you can enhance your growth mind set. Add to your Personal Health and Wellness Plan.

October 14 – Wellness Wednesday #4

Wednesday, October 14 – Resilience

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Reflection Topic: Who do you want to be on the other side of all this?

Please address the following in your reflection and add to your personal health plan.

  • What is the biggest challenge(s) you are facing right now?
  • How can you apply a growth mindset approach to help you learn something from your challenge?
  • What do you hope to gain and/or learn from the pandemic and the challenges it has presented?

Submit on Teams


September 30th – Wellness Wednesday #3

Wednesday, September 30th – Stress Management #1

The stress response is the way our brain tells us that there is a problem in our environment that we need to deal with. This is the signal that causes us to adapt and become more resilient. The word “stress” has been used as shorthand for the concept of the stress response, but it has taken on a negative connotation that leads to unhelpful ways of thinking about and managing our stress response. Using clear language to describe our experiences helps us learn how to use the stress response to promote, instead of reducing, our health and mental health. People also often substitute the word “anxiety” when they mean the stress response; however, anxiety (which is a constant state of hyper arousal) is not the same thing as the stress response.

Watch this video:

Read this:

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Stress Management Strategies

• Exercise and eat regularly.
• Get enough sleep and have a good sleep routine.
• Avoid excess caffeine which can increase feelings of anxiety and agitation.
• Avoid illegal drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.
• Learn relaxation exercises (abdominal breathing and muscle relaxation techniques).
• Develop assertiveness training skills. For example, state feelings in polite, firm, and not overly aggressive or passive ways: (“I feel angry when you yell at me.” “Please stop yelling.”)
• Rehearse and practice situations which cause stress. One example is taking a speech class if talking in front of a class makes you anxious.
• Learn practical coping skills. For example, break a large task into smaller, more attainable tasks.
• Decrease negative self-talk: challenge negative thoughts – with alternative, neutral, or positive thoughts. “My life will never get better” can be transformed into “I may feel hopeless now, but my life will probably get better if I work at it and get some help.”
• Learn to feel good about doing a competent or “good enough” job rather than demanding perfection from yourself and others.
• Take a break from stressful situations. Activities like listening to music, talking to a friend, drawing, writing, or spending time with a pet can reduce stress.
• Build a network of friends who help you cope in a positive way.


1) Provide a real-life specific example of where you feel stress in your life. Describe how you think about the situation, how do you feel? Are your thoughts positive or negative? Are you able to re-shape your thoughts to a positive?
2) In response to question #1, determine and describe specifically what you think the problem is. Develop and explain a solution to the problem.
3) In order to manage your stress, explain some tools that you have been using and/or have learned to use?

Reminder: Please add these responses to your Personal Health & Wellness Plan

September 23 – Wellness Wednesday #2

Wellness Wednesday #2

Goal Setting

Why Set Goals?

  1. Gives you focus
  2. Allows you to measure progress
  3. Mitigates distraction and holds you accountable
  4. Help overcome procrastination
  5. Provide motivation

Have a quick read of the article below:

The Power of Small Wins


SAP — Smallest Achievable Perfection

Today’s Assignment:

  1. Identify your SAP for this week and explain why.
  2. Identify and explain your goal for school this quarter and/or this year.
    1. Has it changed since the start of this quarter? Why/why not?
    2. Does is follow the SMART guideline for goal setting? If not, amend your goal and bring it in-line with this guideline
    3. If you have not established a goal/goals for this quarter and/or this year, please complete before next Wednesday’s class.


  1. Open your Office 365 Word document, title – Personal Health and Wellness Plan
  2. Using information provided in this unit, personal reflection, and additional research, answer the question(s) for each lesson to the best of your ability in complete sentences. Please feel free to use real life examples whenever applicable.
  3. Your Personal Health and Wellness Plan Must Have: a. Clear headings for every section
  4. All responses must be written in full and complete sentences, proper grammar, and lots of details and examples.
  5. Once completed, you will submit on teams

A Sweet Video to to get you thinking
