Commenting on posts

Oct. 14

Skills Students will be writing a comprehension test.

Composition Students will be doing the following:

Task #1 – Make sure that you post your response to the question from yesterday’s class.

Task #2 – Look at two other students’ responses and post a response of your own.  Your response should facilitate a response or a discussion.


Completing Your Paragraph

Oct. 8

You have the class to complete your paragraph.  Below is the example I showed in class yesterday from the short story “Keesh.”

Example Paragraph

          Keesh was the best hunter in the village.  For example, he demonstrated all of the characteristics a good hunter should possess: bravery, selflessness, and skill.  Keesh showed how skilled he was because every time he left for a hunt he returned home with meat for village.  Furthermore, he discovered a way to kill bears using his mind rather simply trying to over-power them as the other hunters did.  This was important because Keesh was only thirteen and as the story states, “Boys of his age did not go out to hunt, and they certainly never went out to hunt alone.”  This shows how brave Keesh was.  Keesh was even willing to hunt a mother bear and her cubs which is extremely dangerous because of how aggressive mother bears are.  Even though other animals would have been safer and maybe easier to hunt, Keesh courageously hunted bears because they provided the most meat.  This was important because he wanted to make sure that his village had enough food.  This showed that he was not hunting to prove how brave he was but rather he hunted to ensure his people did not starve.  Being selfless allowed Keesh to be a better hunter than anyone else because he did not need to prove anything, rather he was hunting to survive.  The combination of Keesh’s bravery, selflessness, and skill made him the best hunter in the village.



Grammar Quiz & Paragraph #1

October 6

Task #1 – Go to and complete your grammar quiz

Task #2 – Complete your draft of your “Sanctuary” paragraph.

  • Be sure you have clearly included each section (topic sentence, supporting points, conclusion).
  • Make sure you include direct evidence from the story.
  • Ensure that you have clearly answered the question, “Does the Sanctuary have a happy or sad ending?”


Summarizing “Keesh”

September 30

Task #1 – If you have not already signed in to then please do so.  The class codes you need to register are the following:

Skills – a7d34d3e – You need to have the Articles practice completed and the Adjectives practice completed by tomorrow’s class.

Composition – xcc37hdf – You need to have the Adjectives part 1 practice completed and the Adjectives part 2 practice completed by tomorrow’s class.


Task  #2 – Review the guideline below and write a summary of the “Keesh.”  Please save this on either your desktop or a cloud/sky drive.

Writing A Summary

Follow the guidelines below when you are preparing to write a summary:

– The goal of writing a summary of an article, a chapter, or a book is to offer, as accurately as possible, the full sense of the original, but in a more condensed form. A summary restates the author’s main point, purpose, intent, and supporting details in your own words.

-The process of summarizing enables you to better grasp the original, and the result shows the reader that you understand it as well. In addition, the knowledge gained allows you to better analyze and critique the original.

– First, try to find the main idea in the reading or video; it’s usually in the first paragraph/scenes. Next, skim through the article, glancing at any headings and graphics. Then, read / view the conclusion. The intent here is both to give yourself a review of the work and to effectively engage yourself with it.

– Now go back and read / view the original text carefully, jotting down notes on or highlighting the important points.  Write the central idea and the author’s reasons (purpose and intent) for holding this viewpoint. Note the supporting elements the author uses to explain or back up her/his main
information or claim.

– Make an outline that includes the main idea and the supporting details. Arrange your information in a logical order, for example, most to least important or chronological. Your order need not be the same as that in the original, but keep related supporting p0ints together. The way you organize the outline may serve as a model for how you divide and write the essay.

– Write the summary, making sure to state the author’s name in the first sentence. Present the main idea, followed by the supporting points. The remainder of your summary should focus on how the author supports, defines, and/or illustrates that main idea. Remember, unless otherwise stated by your
Instructor, a summary should contain only the author’s views, so try to be as objective as possible.

-As you revise and edit your summary, compare it to the original and ask yourself questions such as: Have I
rephrased the author’s words without changing their meaning? Have I restated the main idea and the supporting points accurately and in my own words?

-If you are asked to write a critical summary or to include a critique, you may want to ask yourself questions such as:
– Does the author succeed?
–  How and why or why not?
–  What are the strengths, weaknesses? Why?
–  What did the author do well? Not well? Why?

Short Story #1 & Digital Story Book Assignment

September 28

Task #1 – Open up the doc and fill in the questions.  I will show you how to fill in the URL:

Task #2 – Please open Keesh (Reading) and read the story to yourself.  Be sure to highlight any vocabulary you do not understand and write down any questions you may have about the story.

Task #3 – We will read the story aloud and discuss.

Task #4- Please finish your Digital Short Story Assignment and upload it by tomorrow morning.