Oct. 11
Please have your draft paragraphs out for me to look over. Below is the rubric that will be used to mark your final copy.
Oct. 11
Please have your draft paragraphs out for me to look over. Below is the rubric that will be used to mark your final copy.
Oct. 7
Task #1 – Post your summary. Please make sure it’s tagged correctly.
Task #2 – Please begin writing your paragraph response to “Rules of the Game.”
Here is the rubric your summary will be marked on:
Oct. 3
Download and read Rules of the Game – Reading and be prepared to discuss.
Sept. 28
Once you have completed you visual plot diagram, follow only during the lesson on how to embed your slide presentation directly into your blog. I attached instructions in the link below: Instructions for Embedding a Student Recorded Video.
Your videos need to be embedded before Friday’s class. Please tag them: #plotslide
For those of you that are done, you can begin reading megs-first-day-reading
Sept. 27
Task #1 – Look at the example below for the project you will complete using the information from your plot diagram.
Task #2 – Using the story of Barney, create a visual plot diagram using a slide show type of program (you may use but are not limited to google slides, power point, prezi, etc.)
** We will go over how to post this next class **
Sept. 26
We will cover the following: