Jan. 13 – Getting Creative with Fitness Assignment

Getting Creative with Fitness Assignment

Below are a number of resources to get you thinking about how you can get creative with fitness in quarantine and will hopefully inspire you to continue to do so when life normalizes again.

Balcony Marathon

The corresponding article can be found HERE

Good Resource of Bodyweight Exercises


Using what you have at home with limited to no equipment:

Start at 6:14

Your task:

Without using any actual gym equipment, create a complete workout or exercise regime using simply what you have. (e.g. filled backpack or grocery bag, different furniture, towels, etc.).

Requirements for your workout:

  • Focus on training your entire body. The type of workout (HIIT, Tabata, bodybuilding, etc.) will dictate the order of your movements, sets, and rest periods.
  • Be 20-30 minutes (intensity will dictate the duration).  You have been given loads of different examples.
  • Have at least 5 different movements (if you’re movements are isolating exercises then you will need to do more)
  • Be creative! I want to see you put some real thought into this.

To be submitted in TEAMS

  • Written or video explanation of the type of workout you have created, why you chose and designed what you have, and explain each of the movements, sets, rest periods, etc
  • Time Lapse Video of you completing your workout.

Rubric is attached in TEAMs

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