Info for Final Report

Monday, Oct. 18


Your written final report must contain the following:

Explanation of the work program

  • The tasks/duties performed
  • What, if any, additional duties were assigned to you?
  • How did your duties help you gain experience towards your future career goals.
  • Suggestions you feel could improve your training or your experience.

Significance of the work experience

  • What new skills did you develop?
  • What already acquired skills did your placement reinforce?
  • In what ways did this experience impact your plans towards a career?


  • What suggestions could you offer future students looking to take part in your placement?
  • Explain whether you were satisfied with your placement or not
  • What would you have done differently to make your placement a more meaningful experience?

Day 17 – Businesses in a Pandemic Project

Tuesday, Oct. 12

  • Find a business or company that is relatively inline with your intended career path if possible
  • Provide a comprehensive report explain the ways that they have adapted their practices in order to allow their businesses to operate
  • Come up with at least two additional ideas that you would/could have implemented to adapt to the current situation if you were running the business or able to dictate policy.

Example: Brewers Row in Port Moody

These local breweries are extremely popular and rely heavily on admission to their properties.  While some offered light snacks, their revenue is almost solely reliant on beer sales.  Consequently, they had to make a number of significant changes to their businesses in order to generate a profit.  Some of the adaptations were as follows:

  • completely revamped their online services and shipping
  • offered delivery
  • scheduled pickup similar to grocery stores
  • paired with small takeout only
  • opened up sales outside only
  • increased sanitary measures
  • card purchases only

Since restrictions have been eased, admissions have reopened however at a much lower capacity and reduced hours that are in line with the health orders as with most food and beverage businesses.  Moving forward, although some of these measures may no longer be required in the future, their online presence and delivery services will continue to be offered as the Pandemic created an opportunity for diversification and growth.

See additional Example:

Day 16 – Preparing before/during/after your placement

Thursday, Oct. 7

Prior to your work placement:

  • All assignments must be submitted prior to your time outside of class.
  • Reminder that a pre-visit must be scheduled for me to meet with you and your supervisor to go over expectations and sign the necessary paperwork for your placement before you begin.

During your work placement:

Daily Journal / Record of Communication

(To be kept any day you are working and any day you are not in class leading up to your placement ** You are accountable for using this time when you are not physically present in class)

  • A record of communication between yourself and the employer
  • A work schedule (days & times you will be working)
  • A daily work journal outlining hours and work performed
  • Reflection of things you learned, observed, etc.

Following your work placement:

  • An employer’s evaluation
  • Final Report (details to follow)


Day 15 – Working Safe

Tuesday, October 5

Using the link Worksafe BC, please briefly summarize each of the “basic requirements” (ex. roles, rights, responsibilities, first aid requirements, ect).  To be handed in on Teams.  Assignment will be loaded tomorrow.  I will need to go over a couple things on Wednesday’s class so no need to rush to hand this in.

Image result for working safe meme