Day 11 – Post Secondary Financial Planning

Wednesday, September 22

Task #1  – Watch these two brief videos:

Use two – three of the possible career paths you have been looking at that require post secondary education, training, apprenticeship programs, etc.

You need to report out on the following:

  1. briefly explain the 3 different institutions
  2. select 2-3 different programs of study
  3. make note of the requirements and recommendations
  4. cost and length of each program (tuition, books, residence, etc.)
  5. explain how each program can help you qualify for your chosen profession.

Remember to try to step out of your comfort zone.  Look at a variety of schools or programs throughout the province, Canada, and the USA. The opportunities are endless so make use of this resource.

Some examples of local institutions and tuition costs



Douglas College

Justice Institute


To be handed in on TEAMS