Day 13 – Job Research, Connecting, and Scripting

Wednesday, September 29

Please have your resume ready to look over if you have not done so already.

Please have your interview questions completed and turned in.

Begin brainstorming and collecting contact information for local businesses or opportunities that you can feasibly commute to.  Once you have the information, please DRAFT an email that you will use to reach out, but for the love of all things holy do not send it without me looking over it first.


Day 12 – Interviewing for the Job

Monday, September 27

Interview Preparation

How to prepare for an interview

More tips on how to prepare for an interview


Interview Mistakes

Interview Mistakes


Interview Questions

Examples of interview questions

Acing Interview Questions


Task: Please select a minimum of 15 questions you feel you could be asked and prepare responses for them.  Assignment to handed in in TEAMs.

Day 11 – Post Secondary Financial Planning

Wednesday, September 22

Task #1  – Watch these two brief videos:

Use two – three of the possible career paths you have been looking at that require post secondary education, training, apprenticeship programs, etc.

You need to report out on the following:

  1. briefly explain the 3 different institutions
  2. select 2-3 different programs of study
  3. make note of the requirements and recommendations
  4. cost and length of each program (tuition, books, residence, etc.)
  5. explain how each program can help you qualify for your chosen profession.

Remember to try to step out of your comfort zone.  Look at a variety of schools or programs throughout the province, Canada, and the USA. The opportunities are endless so make use of this resource.

Some examples of local institutions and tuition costs



Douglas College

Justice Institute


To be handed in on TEAMS

Day 10 – Resumes & Social Media

Tuesday, September 21

Task # 1 – Continue to refine your resume and have me look over them

CLICK HERE for some more guidance for your resumes.

Task #2 – Utilizing social media for career development

  1. Create a professional profile on LINKEDIN that you will be able to build upon throughout the years following high school
  2. Include a resume
  3. Add any pertinent information to help you reach for potential career goals



Day 8 – Resumes

Friday, September 17

So this will be a throw back to your days in CLE.  Hopefully some of you have a resume from then or one you have used for your job.  Either way your objective is to develop a professional looking resume for your upcoming placement and for you to use in the future.  I can assure you that if you haven’t updated it since your CLE class it is likely not good enough. I will go through the documents below with you as there is some useful information there.  Please have a draft copy available for me to provide feedback on by next class.

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Day 7 – Impact of the Pandemic in the Workforce

Thursday, September 16

20 of The Best 2020 Holiday Memes

Task 1: Read the following document HERE.

Task 2: Use the google to collect some information from 1 of the potential career fields you may look to pursue and assess how the Pandemic has impacted this industry; that is, it’s pros and cons.  You will briefly present the information you collect in tomorrow’s class therefore your information can be collected informally.

Task 3: I will continue to meet with each of you individually to check in

Day 6 – Career Planning Self Report

Wednesday, September 15

Today’s Task – Reflect on everything that you have discovered about yourself to date and present the information in a comprehensive and concise report.  You must include but are not limited to:

  • Learning Styles/Multiple Intelligences
  • Personality
  • Knowledge
  • Interests
  • Motivations
  • Occupations that you are compatible with (explain why)
  • The focus area you wish to pursue this semester (explain why)
  • Any surprises you discovered during the assessments, quizzes, etc.
  • Did you agree/disagree with the findings (explain why)
  • New opportunities, programs, etc. you have discovered

Hand in to TEAMS

Image result for get working meme

Day 5 – Using MyBlueprint

Tuesday, September 14

Related image

Task 1 – Log into: Myblueprint  Have a look around and complete Interests, Knowledge, Motivations

Task 2 – When these are complete go to: Work –> Occupations –> Career Clusters

Below you will see how compatible you are.  Explore this area looking at different fields so that you can start to narrow down your designation. After you have determined you compatibility for various careers  that interest you, read through the focus area document that you’re looking to be placed in during your work experience.

When looking though myblueprint, look a little deeper and explore some of the careers that fall in your focus area.

Assignment to follow.

Day 4 – Multiple Intelligences & More!

Monday, September 13

Task 1 – Report out on Day 1 questions and your Skills & Attributes

Task 2 – Watch the video below and record which multiple intelligence you identify with most.

Image result for multiple intelligences

Task 3 – Take an on-line quiz by CLICKING HERE then report on which of the intelligences the quiz finds by answering the following question in a reflective paragraph:

  • Is it the same as you originally selected?  If not, are you surprised? Why?
  • Of the examples the quiz reported out, explain and provide examples for those that you agree with.
  • Of the examples the quiz reported out, explain and provide examples for those that you disagree with.
  • Imagine yourself in your dream job or as a professional in a particular career of your choosing and explain how your identified multiple intelligence will be utilized/help you excel.



Day 3 – Skills & Attributes: What Employers Are Looking For.

Friday, September 10

Image result for i want you meme

Terms to understand:

  • Skill: your abilities; things you do well
  • Hard Skill:  technical abilities that are objectively quantified
  • Soft Skill: interpersonal/people skills; subjectively quantified
  • Attribute: a quality or particular characteristic

Task 1 Read/Compare the articles below and Answer the corresponding questions:

4 Skills Needed in 2017

Skills you need in 2021

  1. Identify the similarities between the years.
  2. Identify the differences between the years.
  3. List any skills you believe are missing.

Good explanation on Differentiating between Hard and Soft Skills

Task 2: Based on what you have read and believe, make a list of the skills and attributes that you believe employers are looking for and justify your selections. (minimum of 5 each)

Task 3: Determine and record your strengths and which are the areas you need to develop. For strengths, explain why these are your strengths and for the areas you need to develop explain how you can develop them.  Complete for both skills and attributes.

To be handed in via Teams and briefly discussed the following class.

If/when you are done take a look at an overview of the Employment Standards Act:

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For a more in depth read click HERE