Monthly Archives: October 2016
Exponent Laws
Practice #1:
Practice #2
Video Review
Compare Contrast
Oct. 25
Task #1 – Post your paragraph response for “The Monkey’s Paw.” Tag it – #monkeys paw
Task #2 – Watch both the Disney version and feature presentation version of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Write a compare contrast of the portrayals of the character of Ichabod Crane.
Guide to Writing a Compare/Contrast Paragraph:
Feature Film
Disney Version
Reviewing the Structure of a Paragraph
Oct. 24
Task #1 – Check in with me to make sure you have handed all your work in to date.
Task #2 – Show me your topic sentences and evidence you have collected. Once checked, complete your paragraph response.
Reviewing Paragraph Writing
Oct. 20
Task #1 – Please look over the paragraph below and identify the following:
- topic sentence
- examples
- supporting details
- concluding sentence
Here is the story the paragraph response what written about:
Task #2 – Come up with a topic sentence about “The Monkey’s Paw”. Have it approved by me, then find at least three examples from the story that support your topic sentence and show me. Finish your response for homework.
Short Story #4
Oct. 19
Task #1 – Read “The Monkey’s Paw” and come up with 3 discussion questions. Explain why you chose those questions, answer the questions you come up with and be prepared to discuss them in the class.
The Friday Everything Changed Quiz
Oct. 18
“The Friday Everything Changed”
– Paragraph Questions –
Choose one of the questions below and ensure that your paragraph response answers the question, is structured correctly, and includes examples from the story.
- Of the three reasons the boys liked carrying the water, the most important was “because it was something real.” (pg. 5) Write a paragraph explaining why this was so important to them.
- Write a paragraph explaining how did the boys’ plan of picking on and bullying the girls actually benefit the girls?
- Write a paragraph explaining what is important about the line, “Nothing in our experience had led us to believe the grown-ups had the slightest inkling – or interest – in what really went on with kids”? (pg. 9)
- Write a paragraph explaining what point does Miss Ralston make when she hits the home run? How does this help explain the conflict in the story? (explain the conflict)
- Write your own paragraph topic (needs to be approved by me).
Review of “The Friday Everything Changed” & “The Monkey’s Paw”
Oct. 17
Task #1 – Please have your questions out to discuss
Task #2 – Please read the-monkeys-paw-reading for tomorrow’s class
The Friday Everything Changed Short Story
Oct. 13
Task #1 – Post your completed paragraph response to “Rules of the Game” – tag #RulesParagraph
Task #2 – Please read The Friday Everything Changed for tomorrow’s class
Paragraph Rubric
Oct. 11
Please have your draft paragraphs out for me to look over. Below is the rubric that will be used to mark your final copy.