Descriptive Writing #1

Jan. 29

What Am I?

Your task is to be as descriptive as possible to describe 3 different things (person, place, object, scene, scenario, ect.) without directly stating what it is.  Your detailed description should allow the reader to know what it is you are writing about.


The bright ball blinds you as it emerges; it rises like a yellow lollipop on the distant horizon.  Crashing against the shore, small waves wash the night’s debris onto the land.  Untouched golden sand covers the floor as far as your eyes can see.  Soothing, a gentle sea breeze rustles through your hair.

Welcome to EAL Composition

Jan. 29

Instructor: Mr. Thies

Room: Room 210



Course Overview


EAL Composition is a credit course that will build upon the skills and concepts covered in EAL Skills and is a prerequisite for English 10.  Students will continue to develop their skills in reading comprehension, as well as written and oral fluency in order to increase their English fluency. This course enables students to continue to explore literature and to use language with confidence through exploration and practice in reading, writing, speaking, listening and cooperative learning.


This course is designed for the student who:

  • has expanding English skills (approximately level 4).
  • has basic competency with academic language.
  • has a more thorough understanding of the structure of language than an ESL Skills 10 student.
  • can remediate writing errors with assistance.
  • is able to read independently and respond to more complex material than an ESL Skills 10 student.


Classroom Philosophy & Expectations


EAL Composition will require effort and discipline on the part of the student.  It is essential that students are capable of working both independently as well as in group activities.  It is crucial that all students participate every class and review the day’s lessons each night.


Students will be taught how to navigate their teacher’s blog as well as how effectively use their edublog which is where the majority of their assessed work will be submitted.  Students will be given ample time to complete the work assigned during class time.  If students consistently have to complete their work at home, it is because they are not effectively using their class time.


Lessons, assignments, and projects are designed to meet the learning outcomes for the course.  Therefore, it is a must that students do not miss class and arrive to class on time.  Students are not to be late.  Assignments and tests that are not completed will result in a mark of “zero” until they are completed.  Late assignments/projects will be accepted; however they will only be given a maximum mark of 50% unless the students have been granted an extension.  Extensions will be granted so long as students use their class time wisely, provide an adequate reason for their need for an extension, and ask well before the due date.


Put your best effort into each class and BE RESPECTFUL…to yourself, your peers, your classroom, your teacher.


Course Materials


Students will need to bring a device (tablet or lap top) as well as a pen or pencil every class


Course Evaluation


  • Grammar                 10%
  • Oral/Participation 20%
  • Written 40%
  • Comprehension 30%

Students will be able to access their marks through the following website:  Please use this resource to keep track of your marks and any missing assignments. You will be given an access code early in the course.  You will only be able to see your own information and your information will be secure from other viewers.



Don’t do it!  The problem will be referred to administration.




We will be covering the following units

  • Descriptive & Creative Writing
  • Grammar
  • Short Stories
  • Poetry
  • Novel Study



If any student requires additional help I am available before school and can be found in my classroom.   I firmly believe that each and every student should have every opportunity to do well.  If you have any concerns or comments please contact me immediately.



Mr. J Thies


Welcome to EAL Skills!

Jan. 29

Instructor: Mr. Thies

Room: Room 127


Course Overview

EAL Skills is a non-credit course that will build upon the skills and concepts covered in EAL Intermediate.  Students will continue to develop their skills in reading comprehension, as well as written and oral fluency in order to increase their English proficiency. This course enables students to explore literature and to use language with confidence through exploration and practice in reading, writing, speaking, listening and cooperative learning.


This course is designed for the student who:

  • has limited English skills (approximately level 3+)
  • understands and can participate in simple oral conversation
  • understands and uses more complex language structure (although not yet mastered)
  • is expanding vocabulary base to include more academic vocabulary
  • is developing strategies to aid comprehension
  • is able to read independently and respond to material


Classroom Philosophy & Expectations

EAL Skills will require effort and discipline on the part of the student.  It is essential that students are capable of working both independently as well as in group activities.  It is crucial that all students participate every class and review the day’s lessons each night.

Students will be taught how to navigate their teacher’s blog as well as how effectively use their edublog which is where the majority of their assessed work will be submitted.  Students will be given ample time to complete the work assigned during class time.  If students consistently have to complete their work at home, it is because they are not effectively using their class time.

Lessons, assignments, and projects are designed to meet the learning outcomes for the course.  Therefore, it is a must that students do not miss class and arrive to class on time.  Students are not to be late.  Assignments and tests that are not completed will result in a mark of “zero” until they are completed.  Late assignments/projects will be accepted; however they will only be given a maximum mark of 50% unless the students have been granted an extension.  Extensions will be granted so long as students use their class time wisely, provide an adequate reason for their need for an extension, and ask well before the due date.

Put your best effort into each class and BE RESPECTFUL…to yourself, your peers, your classroom, your teacher.


Course Materials

Students will need to bring a device (tablet or lap top) as well as a pen or pencil every class


Course Evaluation

  • Grammar                                                 10%
  • Oral/Participation                                 20%
  • Written                                                     40%
  • Comprehension                                      30%

Students will be able to access their marks through the following website:  Please use this resource to keep track of your marks and any missing assignments. You will be given an access code early in the course.  You will only be able to see your own information and your information will be secure from other viewers.



Don’t do it!  The problem will be referred to administration.



We will be covering the following units

  • Descriptive & Creative Writing
  • Grammar
  • Short Stories
  • Poetry
  • Novel Study



If any student requires additional help I am available before school and can be found in my classroom.   I firmly believe that each and every student should have every opportunity to do well.  If you have any concerns or comments please contact me immediately.



Mr. J Thies