Short Story #1 pt. 2

Task #1 – Please have your work from yesterday’s class ready to go over and discuss

Task #2 – Please download The Boy Who Drew Cats pt.2 and read the story to yourself.  Be sure to highlight any vocabulary you do not understand and write down any questions you may have about the story.

Task #3 – Be prepared to read the story aloud and discuss

Task #4 – Please complete the questions attached to the reading for HOMEWORK.

Completing Your First Post & Grammar Review

Task #1 – Please post your descriptive story by the end of today’s class and have a printed copy with your name on it for Monday’s class.  It should have the following:

  • be titled “My First Post”
  • have a the image you used to create your story at the top
  • a title for your story below your image
  • be posted in the class category you created last class

Task #2 – Please reference the 2. Grammar – Past Time Guide and complete practice 1-15 in 2. Grammar – Past Time WS for review

Task #3 – When finished you can continue to explore and personalize your Edublog