Category: Socials 10

Irish Immigration




2.  This picture shows an American women wearing nice clothes, stirring a pot that says citizenship on it, with little Irish people inside. This picture is showing how the Americans think of the Irish as “lesser” people, and how the Americans didn’t think that the Irish would mix in well with the people of America.


3. The Irish people moved to Canda and America due to the great famine.this was when Ireland had no food for eating and people were dying all the time. Also people were getting evicted from their homes by absenteen landlords. This meant they needed to move which led to the coffin ship ride. This was a ship that took the Irish people and moved them to America or Canada. Many people died on these journies and caught sickness and diseases. If you caught a disease on this ship you were forced to get off at Grosse Isle, and put into a confined area for the sick and diseased. When the Irish made it to Canda and the America, they were not welcomed very much. The only place where people were niece to them was in Quebec, due to the hatred they both had towards the English. Any where else, the Irish were treated like crap due to thr impression that Britan had given to America and Canda. This led to the Irish being punished and held lower in class due to the assumption that they were “lesser”.






Womens roles in early Canada

1. Women were expected to ow how to do all household work. They also needed to know how to make essential items for their family such as clothes.

“Cooking, curing meat, making butter and cheese, knitting, dress making, and tailoring… are good to be learned”

“The necessity of becoming aqquantied with the common branches of household work…”

2. Women in the olden days were pretty much all stay at home, and didn’t get jobs. This is why they mostly just did household work. Now since everyone can get jobs women’s roles have changed for everyne. Now any woman can go do what she wants not like in early canada when they HAD to do housework. Since there is more equality no there is no really specific women roles because they can do what ever they want.

Life in 19th century Canada


A. This shows farming due to all the trees that you can see being cleared. What appears to be a small farmhouse, and a cart that looks like it would be used for bringing supplies. There looks to be a peasant and an upper class person talking to each other.

B. This correlates to the textbook by the clearing of land, which is something they had to do when they wanted to start a farm. There also seems to be a peasant and an upper class person, which the textbook says that upper class people owned the land and peasants worked on them.


Social class

A.  This shows social class due to the people riding in their carriges. The shows the upper class people and how they were treated very well. There is also a road through past buildings with many people roaming the streets.

B. This shows how the upper class people were in power. They are riding in fancy carriges, not just walking like the lower class people.


A. This shows the church and how it is a big part of their community. It is in the  middle of the street and very large. This shows a road and lots of upper class people roaming around.

B. It says that church was a big part of their life. This is reflected by where the building is and how large it is compared to the other buildings around it.

Land issues

A. This show’s how the land system worked and how unfair it was by giving the clergy most of the land.

B. The textbook says how unfair the system was and how it catered toward upper class people which is being showed here.

Loyalty to britan

A.  This shows two upper class people walking towards some buildings wearing red coata.

B. This shows that the people were loyal to britan since they were wearing red coats. It also shows that not that many people wore red coats, just some.




How would global warming affect the settlement patterns of Canadians?

It would be a issue for only some areas of canada. It will have good effects for some places, but not for all of them.

I think in the Northern areas of canda (territories, and in the north of the provinces) would be affected majorly by global warming, but in a good way. This is because the population density would be more spread out. Since people don’t like the north because of the cold, now that it would be warmer there more people would settle there. But, in some areas it would be affected in a negative way. This would be the warmer areas such as the interior plains and some spots in the Canadian shield. This is because now that they are even hotter, some people would not like to live there. People like the heat, but not insanely hot.

Cordillera- this area will be affected greatly due to technical climate. This areas population density will go through the roof. This is because since it is warmer here now, more people will be attracted here. This area has a high population density now, even with al the rain and it having a mild climate. Now that it has an even hotter climate, lots more people will come here. Also there is lots of natural resources in the area which will help the population density grow alot.

Interior plains- This area will explode with people. This is because now in the north it will be so much more warmer there, people will spread out more throughout the interior plains. This will be good because since the area is such a high population area, it will help more smaller towns all over the Plains increase in people and will help it prosper.

Canadian shield- This area will be affected greatly. The poulstion density will rise alot. This is becauae the cnadian shield has a mild climate. Now it eilk have a hot climste so LOTS of people will be attracted here. Also they are right on hudson bay so they have a steady water source. Also it is a really nice place to live and the heat will make it even nicer.

St.Lawrence lowlands- This area has the highest population density due to it being near rivers and having a good climate. This area will not be affected too much but, it will lose some of the density due to people moving to other areas because it’s warmer there.

Appachilan- this area will be affected the least because the population density there is pretty low. More people will go there, but it won’t be a huge change because now all the other reigons are also going to get more people there. Also the change won’t be so drastic that people will REALLY want to go there.

Arctic- this area will be affected the most with the climate. This is because no one is there now because of the cold. Now so many more people will be attracted there because of the heat. Also this will help this reigon because more people being there will help the economy.



Topography of reigons

Cordillera reigon- the topography of this reigon is very mountainous with many valleys and rivers.



Rivers and mountains.


Interior plains- the topography of this reigon is very flat with lots or rolling hills.

Edmonton, alberta


Very flat land.


St Lawrence lowlands- the topography of this reigon is very flat and has rivers.

Quebec city, Quebec


Rivers and very flat.


Appalachians- this reigon has small mountains and hills. There is some rivers through this area.

Wood stock, new brunswick

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Mountains, rivers, and rolling hills.


Canadian shield-the topography of this reigon has mountains and lots of hills. Also there is lots of lakes.

Niagara falls, ontario


Large lakes.


The arctic- this reigon is very rugged with small mountains. There is lots of glaciers in this area.

Whale cove, nunavut


Rugged area, glaciers, and small mountains.


Josh and Rachael.