Nwc questions

1. Metis- the canadians didn’t give them anything they promised from manitoba. The railway was taking money that the Metis were supposed to get
Aboriginals- nothing in the treaties that was promised happened and it made their life hard
Canadians- canadians thought the Metis were grouping up and thought if they gave the aboriginals all land together the would rebel against Canada

2- it was caused by the metis grouping at botche. The canadians took this as a rebellion threat and decided to send the nwp to them. The canadians ended up retreating.

3- they decided to send more troops into the areas of the battles. The canadians wanted to have as many troops as they could not the area around duck lake

4- big bears aboriginals captured Metis and then big bear tried to convince his men to release them but instead his men killed the metis. Overall it was a fight between all of big bears men.

5-midleton decided to send men to batoche to fight the rebels. The rebels ambushed the canadians and many of the metis were killed. The metis ended up stopping Middletons push to batoche.

6- the Cree fought general otters men. Otters men were confronting the aboriginals when the fight started.they fought for 6 hours. The canadians ended up retreating.

7- the CPR is what made the metis and aboriginals mad because the canadians were focusing more time and money on the railway then they were on fulfilling the promises they made to each group.

8- Middleton was taking a slow approach to defeat the rebels and it wasn’t working well. The rebels ended up leaving their fort to come attack the canadians and we’re over run. This resulted in riel surrendering .

9- they should have stayed at their fort. They left all their protection and ran right into the open against the canadian boats. If they stayed back they would have had a chance of winning.

10- the lawyers tried to convince the jury that Riel’s religious and political delusions made him unaware of the nature of his acts.

11- riel was hung big bear and pound maker were sentenced to 3 years in jail and Dumont fled to Montana

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