Genocide against Canada
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical
destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
(B) (E)”I used to always fall asleep in class and get my hands rapped on, or my head bumped for falling asleep. But I could never sit in class. Always I was looking out the window hoping to go home, but it never happened.” -James Leon Sheldon
(B) (e)”So he came down the line and hit him over the head with the clipboard and told him, he says, “I told you when you hear your name called you say ‘here, sir’.” Well, I piped up and said that his name is not Michael, his name is Narookin (ph.). It was the only name I knew him by was his Indian name. I didn’t know his English name.” -Basil Ambers
(A)“The next month when we went home, the brother who was 2 years older than her passed away. Q. Was that from TB as well? A. Yeah.” – Cecile Ketlo
(C)“I don’t know how nutritious it was. They feed you mush in the morning, slimy mush. I don’t know how they cooked it. It didn’t taste too good. I believe it wasn’t fresh milk. They gave us powdered milk. Some of the students couldn’t eat the mush. They were getting sick and I remember the Nuns used to come and beat them up. They would say, “Other people are starving, you eat it.” They forced them to eat it. We used to get hamburger, big round hamburgers, and you would open it up and it’s just a shell and there’s grease in there.” -Melvin Jack
(C)“And kids never having enough to eat. I think back on those days and I wonder was it during the Depression. Was that why there was so little food? Was it because food was rationed at that time? I guess in my own mind I’m trying to justify or make excuses why we didn’t have enough food. There was plenty of food on the table of the people who looked after us.” -Elsie Paul
(D)“If any of the girls had a boyfriend they always thought that we would go farther. They expected that of us and it wasn’t that way. I guess one of the things is we were never taught anything about sex. They just made us feel ashamed.” -Cecile Ketlo