Confederation conferences

Quebec conference-

1. Held in Quebec City on October 10, 1864.

2. No activities.

3. They agreed to a federal system. They also made the 72 resolutions.

  • Resolution 1: A union that is fair to all provinces have the best interests of British North America.
  • Resolution 3: The constitution of the new unions model will be the British constitution.
  • Resolution 17: Each province gets their own set seats in the House of Commons.
  • Resolution 29:Proposes the powers of the federal government.
  • Resolution 43: Proposes the powers of the provincial government.
  • Resolution 44: If their is a conflict between Federal Government and Provincial the laws from the Federal Government will void the Provincial laws.
  • Resolution 46: Both languages; English and French are to be used in Government.
  • Resolution 48: The House of Commons or House of Assembly originates all tax bills.
  • Resolution 52: The seat of the Federal Government will be in Ottawa.
  • Resolution 60: All debts of provinces will be assumed by the Federal Government.
  • Resolution 61-69: For differ met provinces to enter the union they will set certain conditions and incentives.


4. Being from New Brunswick I would agree with all of these resolutions because some of them wil benefit, or not affect my province in some sort of way.


“Quebec Conference, 1864.” – Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 12 Nov. 2015.


Charlotte town conference-

1. September 1-9 1864 in Charlotte town.

2. They hosted a champagne oyster lunch, and a circus.

3. They proposed the foundations for a new country and ties with great britan. They also proposed the idea of having a responsible government at federal and Provincial levels.

4. As being from New Brunswick I enjoy the ties with britan becauae it wil provide canada more military protection.



“Charlottetown Conference.” – Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 13 Nov. 2015.

London conference-

1. The London conference took place from December 1866 to March 1867 in Westminster pa lace in London.

2. John A Macdonald got married.

3. They reviewed the Quebec resolutions. The “London Resolutions” were sent to the Colonial Office. They decided to choose Canada for their countries new name.

4.  Being from New Brunswick the conference didn’t affect us too much but the finalization of the resolutions were gold or had no affect on New Brunswick.

5. c006799

Web. 13 Nov. 2015. <>.



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