External political causes of the confederation


Trent affair- the trent affair was caused when America captured 2 British and held them as prisoners. Britian threatened to attack America if they kept the prisoners. America let them go but this caused Britain to think that America might retaliate by attacking BNA.


St.Albans- confederate soldiers attacked st Albans using Montreal as their base. After the raid they escaped back to America. Britian arrested them and then released them. This made America mad that the British wouldn’t let them take their own people into custody.


Manifest destiny-Manifest Destiny was a belief that the United States was destined, by God, to control all of North America.


Fenian raids- Fenian was a brotherhood among Irish people who were in America trying to promote the liberation of Ireland from Britians control.


Britians feelings about the BNA colonies- they didn’t really care about the colonies anymore because they weren’t worth very much in resources and such and it was very expensive to keep looking after the colonies.



Due to these events the colonies should unite. Even though Britian is protecting them, most of the events that happened were due to Britian being involved. I think with them uniting they would also be strong enough against Americas attacks if they ever did decide to try to overtake them.


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