Why did the rebellion of 1837 fail?

The rebellion of 1837 was a disaster. According to one of the patriots, L.A Norton, their group had “no drill or discipline” and ” I do not believe there was a man in the entire company who even understood the manual of the arms. Mackenzie says that in Toronto they would have won, “but 800 ran where no one pursued, and unfortunately ran the wrong way.”. This is due to miss communication. Sydney Bellingham, a British soldier, explains in his paragraph about what the rebels did wrong. “The enemy fought bravely, but fired too high.” “After some of the rebels had fallen, several of their comrades threw down their arms and fled in all directions.” This shows that the rebels fought hard but just didn’t know what they were doing. Robert Marsh states in his paragraph that “through a misunderstanding in their leading men”. This clearly tells us that the only reason they lost was because of miss communication and their plan. The clearly were brave and strong enough but couldn’t organizing themselves in a winning fashion. Overal, the rebels should have won with their pure man power,  but just didn’t have the smarts to do that.

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