Life in 19th century Canada
A. This shows farming due to all the trees that you can see being cleared. What appears to be a small farmhouse, and a cart that looks like it would be used for bringing supplies. There looks to be a peasant and an upper class person talking to each other.
B. This correlates to the textbook by the clearing of land, which is something they had to do when they wanted to start a farm. There also seems to be a peasant and an upper class person, which the textbook says that upper class people owned the land and peasants worked on them.
Social class
A. This shows social class due to the people riding in their carriges. The shows the upper class people and how they were treated very well. There is also a road through past buildings with many people roaming the streets.
B. This shows how the upper class people were in power. They are riding in fancy carriges, not just walking like the lower class people.
A. This shows the church and how it is a big part of their community. It is in the middle of the street and very large. This shows a road and lots of upper class people roaming around.
B. It says that church was a big part of their life. This is reflected by where the building is and how large it is compared to the other buildings around it.
Land issues
A. This show’s how the land system worked and how unfair it was by giving the clergy most of the land.
B. The textbook says how unfair the system was and how it catered toward upper class people which is being showed here.
Loyalty to britan
A. This shows two upper class people walking towards some buildings wearing red coata.
B. This shows that the people were loyal to britan since they were wearing red coats. It also shows that not that many people wore red coats, just some.