30 for 30 Broke

30 for 30 Broke

By: Josh Secrieru

                   After watching the documentary “30 for 30 Broke,” I have a better understanding of how life is for professional athletes. The documentary includes how athletes spend their money, going broke, how it affected them, what they regret, and how to prevent it happening to anyone. I think the root of the problem are for these professional athletes is not keeping their money organized and safe. They don’t keep their money safe because they don’t keep an account of how much they spend, instead they just spend freely on whatever expenses they want. Even though sport players have a huge income, most of them eventually go bankrupt after a few years of retirement. Salaries in the 1990s changed due to the economic change. The term “Keeping up with the Joneses”, means to buy or have something one has, then buying the better version to keep up with the style. For example: if one person buys a new 2015 Porsche, then someone buys a 2016 Porsche to keep up. This term leads to bad money making decisions because people buy things that he/she does not need, and wastes tons of money, which you could save or invest. Money making lessons I could learn from these stories are: keep your money safe, have secure bank accounts, always know your surroundings, have money for a pension plan, etc.  If I were a financial planner, I would handle a professional’s money with great care. I would have restrictions on how many things you can buy, budget for recreational items, limited houses, and keep some of your money in banks for pension, bills, or savings. I think the worst financial decision some these athletes made are having too many wives or girlfriends, who are all essentially gold diggers. Some players have one wife, some have over seven. When a player has a wife or girlfriend, and they have a child, the child requires child support, and items they desire until they are 19 years of age. Also many players have several or more ex-wives, which sometimes they don’t obtain a pre-nuptial agreement, then they could lose half or more of their money because they were too lazy to get one. Also, some women get pregnant by a player on purpose, so they can acquire money from the father, for the mother and the child. In conclusion, if you ever become a professional athlete, always keep your money safe and secure, do not spend too much, save a large pension, and be easy with women.

“Holocaust Memoir”

When Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor, I knew that all my Jewish friends were going to be taken. I grew up in a Jewish society, and celebrated Jewish customs. I was forced into the Hitler Youth when I was 16 years old. I am now 23 years old, I have a wife, and a young daughter. I graduated from the Hitler Youth last year. The Hitler Youth brainwashes young and innocent Germans. I work at the Dachau concentration camp as a guard. I was forced into this career; all Hitler Youth recruits are. After six months, I have had enough of killing, beating, torturing, and cursing at innocent Jews, especially the young ones. I decide to help Jews escape this hell. I have been a coward for all these years. For months I have been assisting hundreds of Jews, by giving them extra food and water. Also I help Jews escape, and I have not been caught yet. My wife Ingrid, does not know what I have been doing. It is January 12, 1943, I am escorting three Jews secretly into my truck, as my best friend Klaus approaches me. He questions my deeds. Klaus pulls out his pistol, he points it at me with terror in his eyes. He shoots, but he misses, I run towards him. We fight for a long time, but Klaus knows I am the better fighter. I choke him to death. I will never forget this moment, never. Months go by, I finally tell my wife, as she always has been dubious of why I never return home. She takes my daughter Christa, and leaves me the next day. I wake up, I see a letter, with my name on it. After reading it five times, I perceive they are never coming back. Time flies by. It is December 25, 1944, I am working my late night shift, as the Jews start singing Jewish hymns and songs. The other guards start yelling at the Jews, but the Jews do not stop. The officers start firing at the bunks, as I notice my new Jewish friend is dead. I pull out my rifle and fire at the guards. I murder three guards, then eight more enter the room. They detain me, then the Commandant of Dachau sends me to court. The judge condemns me, all Nazis who betray their fatherland get the death penalty. They throw me into the camp, expecting the Jews will kill me. Luckily, American soldiers liberated Dachau the next day. I anticipated freedom, but the American soldiers continue my execution, since I was a guard. Before my demise, I wrote letters to my family in Russia, and my Jewish friends who survived. My name is Heinz Fischer, and I saved 132 Jews from Dachau. Was it luck or fate?


I wrote my fictional Holocaust memoir in a first-person perspective, as a Schutzstaffel officer who helps Jews escape Dachau. The struggles this person went through are murdering innocent people because of their beliefs, being forced to do things, joining the Hitler Youth, risking your life to protect people that your fatherland despises, your family wandering who you are, betraying your friends, and never returning home. These are the main struggles, but there are more. The life of a Schutzstaffel officer is unbearable, many are brainwashed by the laws and studies which are taught to them. Families leaving each other, hate and despair, many of the officers were just as innocent as Jewish children. Many of the officers during World War II did terrible things because they were forced to. If they did not obey the laws which were appointed to them, they would be killed or taken. Numerous German and Jews were friends all their life, they celebrated holidays together, and become family, but for their own goodwill they turned on each other. The story above explains a fictional situation of what some Germans felt and did. Even in history, many Nazis helped Jews while they were in concentration camps, and were associated with each other before the war.


Wilm Hosenfeld with a Polish infant on his arm, September 1940


(Wilm Hosenfeld was Nazi officer who helped many Jews. One of the Jews he saved was a pianist, who was half-crazed and half-starved. He still had his humanity, even after being brainwashed. He knew he was betraying his fatherland, but it was the right thing to do.)

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