Electric House


In this project me and my partner Eesh were tasked with powering a cardboard house with the supplies given to us. On top of this we were told to 3D print an object to assist with our housing. Through all of the many issues we ran into I can confidently say i’m proud of the end product.



Solution Fluency


In this project me and my partner Eesh are tasked 3D printing an object that would assist us with our home. We wanted to have 4 battery holders to keep our batteries in place but when we got the cubes back me and Eesh noticed that the print was way too big to support a battery so we needed to improvise and make something that wouldn’t sacrifice the look of the building but also be practical.


With two giant cubes and only a block left to work, me and Eesh had to brainstorm fast since we weren’t allowed to redo the printing. We had ideas like using the boxes to hide wires, us them as stands for our building, or just use them as decoration. It was a race against time.



After passing a few a ideas back and forth we decided to turn our boxes into pillars for support and disguise them as elevators. This worked well as a decoration as they were very big and had the perfect shape. But they didn’t work so well as supports since the boxes weren’t tall enough to reach the top.



In all honesty the print didn’t very well. We could have definitely spend more time on the 3D print. This mistake really messed up our 3D print but we were able to improvise to the best of our abilities and I’m glad we’re able to learn from this mistake.

Project Questions

“You have three light bulbs. All have the same intensity when lit. Explain how you can prove to a classmate that they are connected in series by unscrewing one light bulb.”

Lights in a series circuit are all connected by one single wire. If the connection is disturbed, for example a light bulb being removed, the electricity wouldn’t be able to make the full trip causing the whole circuit to fail.


“You have three light bulbs. All have the same intensity when lit. Explain how you can prove to a classmate that they are connected in parallel by unscrewing one light bulb.”


In a parallel circuit each light will have its own wire connecting to it with a main wire connecting to the positive and negative point of the battery. Removing one of these bulbs would not disturb the sequence.


“You have three light bulbs. Two are connected in parallel. This parallel combination is connected in series with the third light bulb. Describe the relative intensity of each light bulb.”

The series light would be brighter since the battery would only be distributing power to one light bulb as opposed to two. The parallel circuit also uses more wire.


“In question number three, describe the relative intensities of the two remaining lit bulbs if one of the bulbs in parallel was unscrewed.”


I think that the two lights would both be as bright as the other. Maybe the series would shine brighter since the single parallel light would still use more wire.


Core Competency




One thought on “Electric House

  1. Very good explanation of how you used the solution fluency to address a problem with your electric house. I am very proud of you to step out of your comfort zone and use 3D printing to solve a problem. Good work repurposing your 3D printed object as an elevator. You included some media showing what your solution looks like. Good work. How could the knowledge you gained with this approach help you in the future?

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