HCE 9 – English Write


Josh                                     Birds on a wire 



All though it’s only an image you can read and examine all the details and see its about inclusivity and understand how strong the message is. It takes about a few seconds to figure out that this image is commentary on anti-immigration and hate which nowadays are very common topics when it comes to politicsOn the left we have a green bird that looks different from the black birds and is probably from a different region of the world and on the right, we have a group of black birds protesting the green bird’s arrival. They hold up signs like Migrants not welcome”, “Go back to Africa” and “Keep off our worms” in an attempt to get the other bird to leave. You can see that the way this right bird looks at the other birds it feels threatened by this mob. The birds on the left are clearly discluding the green bird from their side of the wire. The wire the birds stand has a split in the middle separating the migrant bird and the group of protesters I see this line as the split between the two different worlds and cultures. The colours of the birds can symbolize and mean something as black is often seen as the colour of evil around the world while the green bird stands out as a beautiful colourful bird in such a black and white photoAnother important detail I noticed was the fact that the right side is more distorted and messier while the right side is clean and clear, I see this as a representation of the foreign bird’s emotions and its feelings of being isolated and unincluded. This was a very interesting image to examine and I enjoy the use of birds to address hate and xenophobia, the use of symbolism and the subtle details really tie this painting together. 

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