The Ghettos Portrayed in “The Cage”


After reading the introduction of, “The Cage” by Ruth Minsky Sender there are many struggles that they have went through at this time. They were transferred to a ghetto camp which is a area that consist of many people and has very low supply of food, medicine, hospitals and clean air. It is a very hard place to live a happy life. It is very hard for single parents to raise children in this condition. In the story it is a struggle for this single mother to support her family, she is working long hours and barely getting by, especially having to deal with her son that has a life threatening disease. In the ghettos they take everyone out of the building and the nazis determine who is sick and if they think the any individual is sick they take them away. In this book the mother gets taken away because she is looking unwell, then the eldest daughter Ruth has to be a mother. Soon after her mother is taken away Ruth develops gaulstones, she is token do the hospital but due to the lack of medical equipment and medicine the doctors can do nothing for her.