2081 Charter of Rights and Freedom


In the short story “Harrison Bergeron” written by Kurt Vonnegut, the plot talks about in 2081 that everyone in America is equal. The government has created amendments to clearly state that everyone is equal. How they have made everyone equal is bringing them lower restricting them in such a cruel way with handicaps, so they can not express any of there talents. But Harrison Bergeron stands up against the government and takes off all of his handicaps on live television. But the people that have all witnessed this on the live broadcast quickly forgot because of the government transmitter in there ear to make them to lose they train of thought. And it is quite unfair because the law enforcers and the handicapper general do not have to wear handicaps, so right there is unequal. This book satirizes equality, because everyone is wanting to be equal and this book is stating that equality is impossible and that eventually there will be no more fight for equality.

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