HCE 9 – English Write

To me this photo represents a lot of things deeper than just the photo. I believe that this picture represents disrespect and inclusivity. To me this picture shows that the kids in the colors are a lot happier and it looks like they are expressing themselves freely, whereas the kids in the grey seem very unhappy and all look and wear the exact same thing. It looks like there feelings and culture are […]

Digital Footprint

Digital Footprint  How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities?  Your digital footprint can affect your future in so many ways. If you leave a negative digital footprint, when you are trying to get a job your employers can look and find your whole digital footprint and that can affect whether you get the […]

Introduction – Science Humaines 9

1.  Que sont vos reaction initiales par rapport a la matiere “Science Humaines” ? mon reaction initiales était que il va avour beacoup a lire. 2. Qu’est-ce qui vous vient a l’esprit/ avec quoi est-ce que vous associez ces deux mots? Quand je pense a les Science Humaines je pense do les histoire ou de […]

Rapid Nation

I am really excited for my first year at riverside. I am really excited to be back to school and I am even more excited that its a new school and that I can meet new people and make new friends. I think this year is going to be better than i assumed it would […]