Digital Footprint

Digital Footprint 


How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities? 

Your digital footprint can affect your future in so many ways. If you leave a negative digital footprint, when you are trying to get a job your employers can look and find your whole digital footprint and that can affect whether you get the job or not. Your digital footprint can also affect what schools you get into because if  you leave a digital footprint that doesnt make you look the best the schools you apply to can look through all of your digital foot print and can see everything you left behind that you may not like and tried to hide, and if it’s a nice school they won’t want someone with a negative footprint going there. Your digital footprint can also affect what kind of life you live and if you leave a negative digital footprint tats says or shows a lot of bad stuff about you people may not want to be around you and you may lose friends.

Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.

Here are 3 strategies to keep your digital footprint safe.

  1. Think before you comment on someones post, you may think you deleted the comment to cover it up but its never truly gone. Everything you comment stays forever even if it got deleted, it can always be recovered. For example innapropriate comments or rude comments. Do you really want the world to see you that way? So amny people will see that comment and be aware of their digital foot print. How will that effect them and their future? so think before you post a comment, think about how it will affect your future ot others and think about how people will see it and how they’l see you after posting it.
  2. think before you send people things. wether it’s innapropriate or rude, anybody can end up seeing ehat you send to people so beware and think twice before you send certain stuff. before sending anyone anything make sure its safe to be put out there and make sure that if anyone else were to see it, it wouldnt wreck your future or anybody else’s.
  3. Think before you post any photo or video. You may think you’re posting to a private account but the truth is anyone can see it. Don’t post pictures you’ll regret posting in 10 years, and when i say regret posting i mean innapropriate, stuff that you don’t want the entire world to see. Even if you think you  deleted it and that everythings fine it’s never truly gone, it’s always there for people to see.

What information did you learn that you would pass on to other students? How would you go about telling them?

I think the most important thing i learnt from this is that even if you think something is deleted it’s really not. I think i’d explain it to them by telling them to be careful about what they post because even if they think it’s private it’s really not. And that anything and everything they’ve posted can be recovered.



All photos are from

One thought on “Digital Footprint

  1. Thank you for sharing your commentary on how to monitor your online use and how to maintain a credible digital footprint. Below are some observations about your post:

    – Provides details or explanations to answer the three questions regarding responsible online use
    – Did not include enough photos or media as instructed
    – Written portion of the post is completed

    Thank you,
    Mr. Robinson
    COL Teacher for ADL10
    Riverside Secondary School

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