Holocaust Memoir

I came to this camp two months ago on a rainy day, excited to serve my fatherland, since then the ground has not fully dried. It is soaked with the blood and sweat of Jews. I have been told for years now that the Jewish race should be exterminated, as well as gypsies and homosexuals, but why? This is what I ask myself daily as I see them shamble out of their wooden barracks for the daily headcount. The pain that they show on their faces, I feel sorry for them, they have been taken away from their families, homes, and friends because one man has convinced this entire country that they are the problem with the world. I watch as the camp commander drags a young man, no older than 30, to be beaten for asking for more soup. The rest are being told to go to their work stations. I am so pleased I only guard the gate to this horrid camp. I listen to the radio talk about the London bombings, we have been bombing that city for a month now. The camp commander comes up to me and gives me an hour break, “Take the dog too” he says as he points to my guard dog, Adler. Thankfully there is a dense forest with trails just across the camp. I wonder why the commander gives me an hour instead of the normal half and hour. Either way, I am pleased to get away from that camp. As I walk through the forest I think about the German cause, we are invading countries to take Jews away and kill them, for a reason I do not know. I take off my hat to scratch my head, I look at the hat. It has a skull on it, I think about the books I used to read before the war. Only the bad guys used skulls as a symbol.


This is a fictional account of a German Nazi guard at a Concentration Camp based on history. It is written in first person from the perspective of a German Nazi guard who has been at the concentration camp for two months and finds it miserable, and he is not sure if he is doing the right thing. And his struggles with Nazi policies as he tries to decided who the bad guy is in World War Two, as he listens to the radio talk about the London bombings. He sees how the Jews are treated during the second world war.




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