The short story “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr is set in a dystopian future of The United States of America where through adding over 200 amendments to the United States constitution which make everyone in the country equal. To make them equal the government set an average intelligence, beauty, and strength. Anyone above the average had a handicap installed to make them average. The above document shows the 200 to 214 amendments. Amendment 204 says “No citizen may have a career that benefits from a talent that a citizen may have” which means that if a citizen has a talent for public speaking they are not allowed to have any job that requires public speaking. Amendment 208 says “ Citizen may have their handicaps off for ten minutes to get dressed and undressed” since citizens will be fined and imprisoned for taking off any handicaps, it becomes impossible to undress and dress without being fined so the government added this amendment so citizens may get dressed. Amendment 214 says “If a citizen is unable to wear a handicap due to age, they do not have to wear a handicap”, since some citizens aren’t strong enough to wear a handicap without hurting himself the government decided that those citizens don’t need to wear a handicap. These are some of the many useful amendments to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
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