Poetry Project


The Architect 


The exhausted Architect

finishes his day’s work


A step back to admire

observe his model


With a thunderous Swoosh

his blood turns to cement

heart and brain to glass

and flesh to brick


Grey Fox by Carry Akroyd



R.S. Thomas’ “January” is a closed poem in which the poet gives the reader a view of what happens to the fox during a fox hunt. In the poem a badly hurt fox drags itself through the snow with its stomach dragging. “Over the, snow crimson seeds” the crimson seeds are drops of blood and crimson is very dark red. “Blood burst with a mild explosion” this means that the blood is squirting out of the fox’s stomach. “Whose white hands can give no healing” this is a personification of snow which is the hands referred to in the quote. R.S. Thomas’ “January” shows the reader the suffering of a fox during a fox hunt.

1 comment on “Poetry ProjectAdd yours →

  1. Jonas – clever poem, but you do have ‘turns into…’ in it. Where is the symbolic imagery for your poem? Decent composition overall… a bit short though.

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