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Recognizing the Truth

After a thorough read, I have decided to use this blog for my second blog log entry. It talks about how we always strive to impress others and sometimes even diverge from our values to achieve validation from the people around us. The blog, however, mentions that self-worth is much more valuable than approval from others because it empowers one to “make meaningful choices” that does not allow external forces to hinder one’s decisions. The writer’s content was very subjective. However, if taken in the right context, it enables people to believe in themselves and be confident in their decisions. My favourite point that she made was that “perfection is pure fiction.” We want everything to be perfect and in line with our plans. That is most often not the case. The trials and adversaries we face is what makes you, you. When I read that point, it made me feel as though she comforted me with the reassurance that losses will soon turn to victory. Her stylistic choice of writing was very interesting because of how she displayed her 7 main points. She listed them out as if she was talking to the reader. The tone in the writing was empowering and encouraging. I can make connections with the ongoing problems with racism, sexual discrimination, and religious discrimination in the world. Just like how the writer struggled to get validation from society, people that are minorities in any categories that society has put a label on, fight to get validation from society. However, she states that “We can only change the things we are aware of, the things we accept to be true.” This relates back to a grand topic we have covered in English, which is perception versus reality. It is very interesting to see these connecting points with the material we covered in class and the blogs that I wrote about.

Published inEnglish 12

One Comment

  1. Kathy Shong

    John – you are right, your articles relate to so much of the literature I teach, especially the first one. UNIVERSALITY!!!

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