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Meaning of Life

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In the film Dead Poet’s Society directed by Peter Weir, the teacher Mr. Keating played by Robin Williams attempts to teach his students the meaning of life. During his interesting English classes, he utilizes different methods to teach his students what life is all about. John Keating encourages his students to make their lives extraordinary. He mentions the Latin expression “Carpe Diem”, which translate to seize the day. Subsequently by teaching about life, he questions what the meaning of life is. Life which he refers to as “the powerful play” continues on, he teaches the kids to leave your mark by “contributing a verse”. He also teaches that “poetry, beauty, romance, and love” is what they stay alive for. Mr. Keating influences the kids by allowing them to express their true feelings through poems. The picture included displays Mr. Keating teaching about viewing life from different angles. One often gets stuck looking life in one angle which leads to living a meaningless life. However, looking at life from a different angle may lead to one to find meaning in something they feel passionately about. One may think that the meaning of life is to inspire others to live theirs. When humans are inspired, we can achieve tremendous and unachievable goals. Additionally, one may also believe that the meaning of life is to contribute a verse to society. Leave a mark, create, and make changes to the world. However, at the end, the meaning of life is how one interprets life, not how others define it for them. We all have different aspirations, dreams, and goals. It is up to people to define the meaning of life. One fully understands the meaning of life when they define their future and life.


When we live our lives, we must find a reason to live. Without it, we would lose our identity. Meaning of life could be translated into many different ways. There cannot be a definite answer for the meaning of life because we are all created differently. However, regardless of our differences, our on-going search for love, beauty, and passion is what defines the meaning of life.




Dead Poets Society. Dir. Peter Weir. Perf. Robin Williams. Buena Vista Pictures Distribution, 1989. DVD.

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