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Do you believe in revenge? Why?

“Blood will have blood” 

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People has an “eye for an eye” view in life. One takes away the same amount someone took away from them. However, like Gandhi said, “Eye for an eye make the world go blind.” Therefore, I don’t believe in revenge. Revenge only promotes hate and opposition rather than love and respect. Shakespeare uses the quote “Blood will have blood” in his play Macbeth. The idea of revenge to the opposition has been around since the beginning of time. That is the reason war occurs, conflicts arise, and hatred is so prominent recently. Revenge is not a way to resolve conflicts. It will create even more separation and disagreements that eventually lead to greater conflicts. No one enjoys conflicts, and it is better for oppositions to resolve problems without revenge. A benefit of resolving problems without revenge is less damage will be done to both parties. Without revenge, we can advance and grow as society and mankind. Forgiveness and acceptance allows for more love and respect to be in place of hatred and revenge.

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