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3 Reasons Atticus is a Cool Dad

3 reasons Atticus is a cool dad


Scout and Jem fails to see how marvelous Atticus is. They didn’t know he had the precision of a marksman in the military, or that his morals and beliefs soon changes how America thinks about African Americans. From the arguments he put up and the kind acts Atticus does, we decided to choose 3 top reasons Atticus is a cool dad!



1: He never treats his children as children.

Children loves being treated like adults. I sure as heck did when I was younger! Children loves to assume an adult’s position because they love being treated like adults. Atticus talks to Scout and Jem as if they were fully grown adults that is capable of understanding difficult topics such as racism and discrimination. He is aware that this allows the children to become the best version of themselves and to grow with morals like his own.

kids atticus


2: He can shoot guns like no one else can!

Atticus might have been seen as too old or lame. However, we all learn that he can handle a rifle better than anyone in the town of Maycomb. Even the dog with rabies cannot go against Atticus’s one shot kill! The kids found out and this changed their perspective on their father. The kids just thought he was a boring old man that could not play soccer for the Methodists or do anything that other fathers do. However, showing off his marksmanship is something only a cool dad can do!





3: He constantly is trying to change Jem and Scout to become better individuals.


Atticus is almost portrayed as a immaculate character in the perspectives of Jem and Scout. Due to this fact, Jem and Scout strives to be like Atticus. The book shows the development and moral growth of the two kids, and they begin to think and act like Atticus. This is because Atticus made them grow up to his standard and laid a solid foundation for the kids that being African American does not make you inferior to the white people of Maycomb. And this is something definitely worth mentioning on why Atticus is a cool dad!


Published inEnglish 10

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