May 23

Wave interference lab

A standing wave has an interference pattern that stays stationary and it has points called nodes that stay at rest between the interferences. The reason the wave stays stationary is because the interferences have the same amplitude and wavelength.

A constructive interference is when the crest of one wave meets with the crest of another wave along the same medium. The energies are acting on the same particles and they will increase in size when they meet for a short period. This can also occur when a trough meets with another trough.

A destructive interference is when two waves on the same medium cancel out due to being out of phase. What this means is a crest and a trough of two separate waves meet on the same medium and the wave will disappear for a second,


How do noise cancelling headphones use wave interference  to eliminate unwanted sound?

The headphones analyze the sound around you and then create another wave that will create a destructive interference and cancel out the noise.


May 23

Exploring Waves Lab


This is a periodic wave as there are repeated disturbances.


This is a longitudinal wave as the disturbance moves in the same direction as the direction of travel.


This is a transverse wave as the disturbance is at a right angle to the direction the wave will travel.


I don’t seem to have the video of the pulse but it’s the same as a periodic wave except it’s just a single disturbance.