February 17

Outdoor Ed RAC 2018

I decided that i would make my family dinner one night as my parents were coming home quite late, I enjoy cooking as well so it wasn’t a problem and it felt good to help out.

· What did you notice about the people who benefited from the RAC?

my parents were very appreciative and thankful as it was late and they were going to go and eat out but because i offered to make dinner they didn’t have to. They were also impressed as I haven’t ever really made dinner before.

· What did you notice about yourself?

It felt good to do something for my family especially as my mom always makes dinner so I could show my appreciation and help out. Perhaps I will do it more often as it was a nice feeling to do something that others can benefit from.

· How did performing a RAC contribute to your personal awareness and responsibility.

It’s a nice feeling helping others even if you don’t see immediate results or get anything back in return. I try to do this everyday even if it’s just holding the door open for someone or asking how their day was.

· Did you enjoy this RAC? Would you do it again? Would you change it, if so, how?

I would definitely do it again but probably not too often as my cooking skills aren’t as good as my mother’s. But practice makes perfect and if other people appreciate it I believe it’s worth it.

· How did it contribute to your leadership skills?

I believe it helped as a leader steps up to get the job done and I did, so I guess it helped my leadership skills in that sense.

· Did you notice it ‘catching on’ with others?

Yes, my brother cooked dinner maybe a week later after I cooked that night. My family was thankful and they showed their appreciation to both of us.

February 15

DNA model

DNA is made up of sugar phosphate and the four bases, thymine, cytosine, adenine, and guanine. The bases are always connected in pairs with thymine connecting to adenine, and cytosine connecting with guanine. It is the sequence of these bases within the DNA that make us each different, DNA holds informations so that our cells know what to do and with this information they can make the proteins that are necessary for life. A large number of the human genes are similar between us as they are necessary for us to function properly, what makes us different from one another are the 1% of genes called alleles. These give us each our own unique, physical characteristics that can change things from eye colour to our hair. These can be inherited from our parents as well. DNA is the building blocks of life as it is what gives our cells a purpose, it contains the information that we need to survive.