week 10 math 10 “ugly” trinomials 

This week is the first time to write blog post after Easter break. As the virus is getting worse, students are asked to stay at home and continue our education by online learning using teams, which takes both teachers and students some time to explore it and planning our schedule again. But starting from last week, all things are well fixed and planned.

We have learned a method to factor “ugly” trinomials (ones that have a leading coefficient that does not factor out as a GCF), which is different from the “difference of perfect squares” and  “greatest common factor” method. the following is an example.

first, let 6*(-40)=-24 . next we are going to list out the factors of -24 and find a pair of factors that have the answer -23 when doing plus or minus. After that write the two numbers into the square and then we are able to find out the answer.