solve quadratic equations

last week, we have learned two ways to solve quadratic equations

the first method is completing the squares

example 1: Solve the equation below using the method of completing the square.

Move the constant to the right side of the equation, while keeping the x-terms on the left. I can do that by subtracting both sides by 14.

Next, identify the coefficient of the linear term (just the x-term) which is

Take that number, divide by 2 and square it.

Add 814 to both sides of the equation, and then simplify.

Express the trinomial on the left side as a square of binomial.

Take the square roots of both sides of the equation to eliminate the power of 2 of the parenthesis. Make sure that you attach the plus or minus symbol to the constant term (right side of equation).

Solve for “x” by adding both sides by 9/2 .

Find the two values of “x” by considering the two cases: positive and negative.

Therefore, the final answers are x= and x. You may back-substitute these two values of from the original equation to check.

for the quadratic formula

substitute for a,b and c in

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