Thursday October 19th, 2023

Good Afternoon!

*Student vs. Teacher volleyball

a) an email needs to be sent to the teachers and students to remind them of this activity.has this been done?  Please add Ms. Lundgren to your list!

b) who will set up the volleyball nets and coordinate with the PE department.  We cannot disrupt their classes.Ms. Nelson needs names for early dismissal.  You can leave your Period 2 class 10 minutes early…you can only start to set up 5 minutes before the lunch bell.

*Halloween: Event planning

1) Teacher Dress Up contest: We need a canva to post on Social Media –how is this coming along?

2) Student Dress up contest

a) We need a canva to post on social media.–how is this coming along?done

b) draw a Map and timeline of the student costume contest.done

3)  Judges:  let’s ask admin/teachers –who do you think we should ask?

What teachers/admin will we ask.

a)  write a nice email to these teachers/admin to be a judge

b) have Ms. Nelson review

c) email

d) track who agrees

3)  Social Media: Instagram and my school day app.where are we at with this?

a)  Get canva on “Teacher Dress up contest”

b) Get Canva on “Student Teacher contest

c) have Ms. Nelson review social media post

4) General School Spirit:  After our spirit week posters come down, we will need Halloween costume posters to go up.(let’s also discuss cultural appropriation and appropriate costumes.

a) posters —spirit week posters need to come down and Halloween posters need to go up

b Halloween Decor Around the School:  pumpkins, spooky cats, ghosts etc.  We need these to go on the ends of the locker bays on level.we still need a few more!

5) Halloween Music

a)  Create a play list update on music?

Spirit Assembly: on white board

We will meet in the groups today to start mapping out.  Things you need to think about and organize

a)  how much time your activity will need

b) what resources will you need?  supplies, things from PE department,

c) If you need resources, you need to draft the supplies needed.  All supplies needed (from PE department) will be placed into one email from all the groups so that we are not inundating the PE department.

d) Draw a map of the gym and where your activity will take place in the gym

e)  Draw a diagram of how your activity will be laid out.

f) Organize people and their roles for your activity.

g) do a practice run of your activity.


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