Good Afternoon!
*Silent Reading
*Novel Background Information Infograph: You have time to work on this assignment (posted last week)
*Literature Circles: Make sure you know your role for our first discussion on Thursday November 24th, 2022
Good Afternoon!
*Silent Reading
*Novel Background Information Infograph: You have time to work on this assignment (posted last week)
*Literature Circles: Make sure you know your role for our first discussion on Thursday November 24th, 2022
*Silent Reading
*Novel Background Information Infograph: you have time to work on this assignment.(posted last week).
Literature Circles: Make sure you know your role for our first literature circle discussion. This discussion is on Thursday November 24th.
Good Morning!
*This lesson is about learning rhythm and scansion. It is usually a harder topic to learn. It is regarding how to learn iambic pentameter or trochaic tetrameter for example.
“Casey at the Bat”: please read the poem on the first link. After you read the poem, you can watch the two attached cartoons below. After, you can work on the questions attached to the poem on the first link. The second link is an additional resource.
*Looking Forward To Next Week: You will be having a poetry test…so you may want to review…
-spoken word criteria
Sarah Key
“When Love Arrives”
“Somewhere in America”
Taylor Mali “What do teachers make?”
Martin Luther King
-We will be working on Spoken word: we will look at a few samples of Rants…
*Spoken Word: Brainstorming activitiy
Warm up spoken word free write activity: Practice writing with imagery that includes all five senses. Students describe an abstract or intangible entity using all senses: what do they look, sound, smell, taste and feel like?
Examples: Choose 2 of the following examples and write for five minutes each using imagery/sensory language.
a. homesickness
b. grief
c. love
d. joy
e. emptiness
f. time
g. envy
Spoken Word Activities:
*Techniques for Creating Word Play
*Word Play Activity