*No Red Ink: Building Compound and Complex Sentences 1-4
*Wednesday Writes:
Tell about a childhood experience that helped you to grow up.
A comic or ridiculous misunderstanding with another person.
-Today we will read the short story “The Tell Tale Heart” aloud as a class.
*first open up the following link…there is a pre-reading exercise that we will start with…
-“The Simpsons” and Tell Tale heart
Short Story Summary
Afternoon class:
*No Red Ink: Building Compound and Complex Sentences 1-4
*Wednesday Writes:
Tell about a childhood experience that helped you to grow up.
A comic or ridiculous misunderstanding with another person.
*Go over our Venn Diagram on Harrison Bergeron and 2081
–House: a new short story
-Non-Fiction Articles on housing:
- http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/crea-price-sales-1.3721141
- http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/british-columbia/vancouver-rental-market-places-people-in-a-lower-class/article31304421/
- http://vancouversun.com/opinion/editorials/editorial-challenges-of-the-vacant-homes-tax
perspectives on how people live around the world…
*Short Story “House”
Online Class:
*Sam the Athlete Paragraph (good copy) keep working on this! (it is due in on Wednesday May 5th, 2021)
*No Red Ink: Building Compound and Complex Sentences 1-4 (You will have time in class on Thursday to do some of this).
*Wednesday Writes: Write a one page draft of your Wednesday Write #2. Your draft will be due on Tuesday May 11th, 2021 (You will have time in class to do some of this on Thursday)
Tell about a childhood experience that helped you to grow up.
A comic or ridiculous misunderstanding with another person.