Wednesday October 23rd, 2019

Good Afternoon,

No Red Ink:  Active and Passive Voice/Punctuation (thamos)

*Good Copy of your essay was due yesterday: Tuesday October 22nd, 2019

Question: Compare and/or contrast Charlotte’s mother and Ms. Hancock and how they influence Charlotte

    1. Post your essay to your Edublog Tag:


*I would also like you to bring in a paper copy of the essay

*Yesterday, we worked on our song analysis and this was to be posted to your blog: Tag


* “Building Understanding”:   you worked on an activity where you chose your own song then you analyzed it.  You must have chosen the song you did as it may have some meaning for you.  You are now to complete a “Building Understanding” for the song you chose connecting it to our inquiry theme.



*Core Competency:  on the essay/process for “The Metaphor”.  You are responsible for completing a core competency for this process/essay.





*Please study the poetry terms….you will have a quiz on the poetry terms…

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