Good Afternoon!
*This is a BIG POST and some will continue over to next week…
*We will start with our Peer edit of “Sam the Athlete” paragraph
You should have your paragraphs ready to hand in on Monday September 23rd. I want these printed out on paper, double spaced and using a 12 font.
*You should also post this paragraph to your Edublog. please make sure to categorize your paragraph under English 10 and give the tag below…
*Tag: NelsonSAFall2019
*Yesterday, we read the short story “House”…below
-we will work on a short story summary sheet for the short story “House”
-Non-Fiction Articles on housing
perspectives on how people live around the world…
- we will read through the two articles and editorial and discuss housing in Vancouver in connection to the short story “House”.
- “Building Understanding”…this is a worksheet connected to our inquiry questions that we will work on. If there is not enough time in class, this will be for homework.
Building Understanding” and connected our short story “House” to some non-fiction articles and photo depictions of how children throughout the world live. You were to choose one of these options and complete a “Building Understanding”. You have approximately 15 minutes to work on either your short story summary and/or your Building Understanding….
*We will go over the short story summary.
-This Building understanding will also be posted to your Edublog:
*Tag: BUHouseFall2019D
-share some of the questions that you connected to…
*Self-Assessment: core competencies
-If time internet search: How do people live in other parts of the world. Choose one country and investigate.